Monday, July 29, 2019
Company Profile of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltdâ€Â
†[pic] Founder Late A. C. Abdur Rahim (1915-1982) Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited 01. Background Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was established in 1950A. D. as a trading company. Late A. C. Abdur Rahim was the proprietor in this time. From 1954 it was established as a limited company. In the new environment he had to start afresh. He had little capital. His main assets were self-confidence and a strong faith in the Almighty, which carried him through all the difficulties with a remarkable triumph. He finally established a small proprietary trading company named Rahimafrooz Co, in Chittagong in 1950 which was later incorporated on 15th April 1954, which is now Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Ltd. Rahimafrooz expanded rapidly into various trading items. Within 5 years, Mr. Rahim was able to enter into a joint venture with Lucas (UK) to set up a modern automotive battery factory. He acquired the principal company Lucas Service Ltd in 1980 which is now known as Rahimafrooz Batteries Ltd. Apart from business, he engaged himself in benevolent activities. All through his life he was respected for his values and caring attitude. After a few years he left that job and ventured into a small partnership business. During early 1940s, he got active in commercial trading of scarce items and gained valuable experience. In 1947, he decided to move to Chittagong to live in an environment of religious freedom. pic] Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was started in business agreement with world famous England battery company Lucas from 1959. Later on, they established an ultramodern battery production factory in Nakhalpara Tejgaon, Dhaka with the â€Å"Lucas†Brand name. Then from 1980 it got license from the England Lucas Company collaborating technological and inf ormation support. He passed away on the 14th March 1982 in London leaving behind his dream, Rahimafrooz. At present Rahimafrooz has been producing and marketing various kinds of batteries like automotive battery, storage battery etc. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. lso has been marketing world famous tire â€Å"Dunlop†. Now Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. is involved with various kinds of production distribution and agency ship business. 02. Vision â€Å"To be leader in each market segment by being the most preferred supply source of quality products and services with high degree of customer delight. †03. Mission Statement 1. †¢ Increase volume value share 2. †¢ Reduce per unit distribution cost 3. †¢ Increase product portfolio 4. †¢ Strength distribution network 5. †¢ Ensure quality people with high level commitment 6. †¢ Benchmark customer services. 04. Milestones |1954 |Incorporated by Mr. A. C. Abdur Rahim | |1959 |Distributorship of Lucas Battery | |1978 |Exclusive distributorship of Dunlop tyre | |1980 |Acquisition of Bangladesh operations of Lucas UK | |1985 |First producer of industrial battery | |1985 |Pioneering Solar Power in collaboration with BP | |1992 |First ever battery exports to Singapore | |1993 |Launched Rahimafrooz Instant Power System | |1994 |Acquisition of Yuasa Batteries (Bangladesh) Ltd and launched Excel Retreads. |1997 |Attained ISO 9002 certification for RBL operations | |2000 |First India office opened in Ahmedabad | |2001 |Awarded â€Å"Bangladesh Enterprise of the Year†| |2001 |Attained ISO 14001:1996 for RBL operations | |2001 |Launched â€Å"Agora†– the first ever retail chain | |2002 |Launched Rahimafrooz Energy Service promoting distributed power | |2003 |Established Rahimafrooz CNG Ltd. |2003 |Awarded â€Å"National Export Trophy†| |2004 |Metro net Bangladesh, a fiber optic based digital solution p rovider for data communication, launched in joint | | |venture with Flora Telecom | |2004 |Received McGraw-Hill Platt Global Energy Award for Renewable Energy | |2004 |The Group celebrated its 50th anniversary on April 15, with a renewed, enhanced commitment to being successful | | |while upholding its core values | |2006 |Received the â€Å"Ashden Award†for Sustainable Energy | |2009 |Established Rahimafrooz Globatt Limited and Rahimafrooz Accumulators  limited | |2009 |Rahimafrooz launched multi brand consumer electronics outlet UREKA | |2009 |Rahimafrooz launched world renowned consumer electronics brand Daewoo | |2010 |Rahimafrooz Inaugurates its biggest and most modern warehouse at Hemayatpur, Savar. | 05. Product Service Products: Rahimafrooz mainly deals with electronics products like (TV, FRIEDGE, IPS, BATTERY, TYRE, LUBRICANTS etc). The brands that Rahimafrooz launch are given below†¦ [pic] Service: Rahimafrooz Ba ngladesh Ltd service center is situated in 13 Mahakhali commercial areas in Dhaka. Here the product of Rahimafrooz is sold and servicing also. Here the service is done in modern computerized system. The complaints are also solved and handle from here. [pic] 06. Organization chart [pic] 07. Awards Achievements [pic]  [pic]   [pic] Asia’s Best Brand       Asia’s Best Employer     C FE, CSR            CMO Award 2010     CMO Award 2010           Award 2008 [pic]    [pic]     [pic] Brand Leadership         Ashden Award      National Export Trophy     Award 2008            Award 2006           Award 2001-2002 08. Delivery Network The manufacturer and wholesaler must decide how to distribute their products. Working through the whole sellers, dealers or agents generally is easiest way of entering in the market. Whole sellers and dealers consider about cost and traffic flow, commission before keeping a product in the store. Location is less a concern for products or services that customers are willing to go out of their way to find. 08. 1: Dealers They are the authorized vendor who deals with the specific brand. (John M. Rathmell, Manager of the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 2: Retailers Traditional: Home to home, general stores, single line stores, specialty shops, department stores, catalog retailers, planned shopping centers The Mass Marketers: Supermarkets and discount houses (John M. Rathmell, Managing the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 3: Wholesalers Definition: Wholesaling is concerned with the activities of those persons or establishments who sell to retailers and other merchants, or to industrial, institutional, and commercial users. But who do not sell in significant amounts to ultimate consumers. But in the tyre market, the wholesaler serves the purpose of the retailer at the same time. Functions from the producer perspective: provide part of selling Four strategies can be produced through the tows matrix. SO strategy represents internal strength to take advantage with the external environment. WO strategy represents the internal weakness and to overcome that weakness by the external opportunity. ST strategy represents the strength of the company and to over come that the threat by the strength. WT strategies are defensive tactics directed at reducing internal weakness and avoiding external threats. 09. Advertising Promotion [pic] Rahimafrooz Company limited carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and convincing message about the organization and its products. [pic]Rahimafrooz is using all kinds of promotional afford including: †¢Print Media †¢Broadcast media †¢Outdoor Media †¢Internet Websites Rahimafrooz is using huge promotional afford in print media. This is the biggest promotional afford of the company. They are giving advertisement on the news paper, they are also publishing there own newsletter service through by them. [pic] [pic] Promotion, in its broadest sense, provides extra incentives for any group that is an important factor in the marketing of a brand. It is most often directed to the consumer or to the trade or other influential group. It is used to encourage sales or purchase a product. (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 1: TRADE SALES PROMOTION TECHNIQUES Push Policy emphasizes promotions focused on the next intermediary. Trade sales promotion techniques-stimulate wholesalers and retailers to carry products and to market them aggressively. Producers use sales promotion techniques to encourage resellers to carry their products and to promote them more effectively. 09. 2: TYPES OF SALES PROMOTIONS Samples (offer consumer for trail), Coupon (certificate that gives buyer savings), Cash refund (Refund money who send a proof of purchase), Price pack (Reduce price marked by producer), Patronage reward (reward for regular use), Discounts (direct reduction of price), Allowance (money offered to the seller to feature the manufactures product) (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 3: PREMIUM ITEMS OFFER Offer free or at minimum cost as a bonus. Use to attract competitors customers, different sizes of established products. Study identified from the net that Burger King with the Lion King movie was offered few years back in USA. 10. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis is a valuable step in your situational analysis. Assessing your firm’s strengths, weaknesses, market opportunities, and threats through a SWOT analysis is a very simple process that can offer powerful insight into the potential and critical issues affecting a venture. 10. 1: Strength o High company reputation. o Enable to provide much more customer satisfaction than competitors. o Higher product quality. o Provide higher service quality. o Distribution effectiveness is better than the others. o Strong management team enables to provide geographical coverage. o Able to launch a new product faster than the competitor o Financial position is much more stable than the other. 10. 2: Weakness o The major weakness of Rahimafrooz is the internal conflict of the management. Working sprit sometimes hampered by management conflict of the organization. o Though Rahimafrooz has a very good team for the marketing plan, but not all the people are experienced. o Communication barrier is the major weakness of the organization. o Expectation of the top management is very high. Sometimes they set very high target which is not achievable at all time. Sometimes it becomes burden for the employee. 10. 3: Opportunity o To get new customers after modification. o To provide more qualities in products. o Providing more benefit for products to increase more customer satisfaction. o Increasing the advertisement. o Increasing the distribution channel. Incentive for the employee who dose outstanding performance in their respective area. 10. 4: Threat o Major threat arises from the new entrants. o Many competitors in the electronic market. o Unethical competition. Such as, price cut, advertising, giving gift by the competitor may threaten position of Unilever. o Following th e same strategy by the competitors. o Worsening law and order situation of the country. o Availability of the substitute product in the market. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ MANAGING DIRECTOR ACCOUNTS MANAGER REGIONAL MANAGER DISTRIBUTION MANAGER MARKETING MANAGER CHIEF OPERATION OFFICER PRODUCT MANAGER ADMIN MGR C F MANAGER NI SYSTEM DIRET SALE RETAIL MGR Company Profile of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd††[pic] Founder Late A. C. Abdur Rahim (1915-1982) Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited 01. Background Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was established in 1950A. D. as a trading company. Late A. C. Abdur Rahim was the proprietor in this time. From 1954 it was established as a limited company. In the new environment he had to start afresh. He had little capital. His main assets were self-confidence and a strong faith in the Almighty, which carried him through all the difficulties with a remarkable triumph. He finally established a small proprietary trading company named Rahimafrooz Co, in Chittagong in 1950 which was later incorporated on 15th April 1954, which is now Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Ltd. Rahimafrooz expanded rapidly into various trading items. Within 5 years, Mr. Rahim was able to enter into a joint venture with Lucas (UK) to set up a modern automotive battery factory. He acquired the principal company Lucas Service Ltd in 1980 which is now known as Rahimafrooz Batteries Ltd. Apart from business, he engaged himself in benevolent activities. All through his life he was respected for his values and caring attitude. After a few years he left that job and ventured into a small partnership business. During early 1940s, he got active in commercial trading of scarce items and gained valuable experience. In 1947, he decided to move to Chittagong to live in an environment of religious freedom. pic] Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was started in business agreement with world famous England battery company Lucas from 1959. Later on, they established an ultramodern battery production factory in Nakhalpara Tejgaon, Dhaka with the â€Å"Lucas†Brand name. Then from 1980 it got license from the England Lucas Company collaborating technological and inf ormation support. He passed away on the 14th March 1982 in London leaving behind his dream, Rahimafrooz. At present Rahimafrooz has been producing and marketing various kinds of batteries like automotive battery, storage battery etc. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. lso has been marketing world famous tire â€Å"Dunlop†. Now Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. is involved with various kinds of production distribution and agency ship business. 02. Vision â€Å"To be leader in each market segment by being the most preferred supply source of quality products and services with high degree of customer delight. †03. Mission Statement 1. †¢ Increase volume value share 2. †¢ Reduce per unit distribution cost 3. †¢ Increase product portfolio 4. †¢ Strength distribution network 5. †¢ Ensure quality people with high level commitment 6. †¢ Benchmark customer services. 04. Milestones |1954 |Incorporated by Mr. A. C. Abdur Rahim | |1959 |Distributorship of Lucas Battery | |1978 |Exclusive distributorship of Dunlop tyre | |1980 |Acquisition of Bangladesh operations of Lucas UK | |1985 |First producer of industrial battery | |1985 |Pioneering Solar Power in collaboration with BP | |1992 |First ever battery exports to Singapore | |1993 |Launched Rahimafrooz Instant Power System | |1994 |Acquisition of Yuasa Batteries (Bangladesh) Ltd and launched Excel Retreads. |1997 |Attained ISO 9002 certification for RBL operations | |2000 |First India office opened in Ahmedabad | |2001 |Awarded â€Å"Bangladesh Enterprise of the Year†| |2001 |Attained ISO 14001:1996 for RBL operations | |2001 |Launched â€Å"Agora†– the first ever retail chain | |2002 |Launched Rahimafrooz Energy Service promoting distributed power | |2003 |Established Rahimafrooz CNG Ltd. |2003 |Awarded â€Å"National Export Trophy†| |2004 |Metro net Bangladesh, a fiber optic based digital solution p rovider for data communication, launched in joint | | |venture with Flora Telecom | |2004 |Received McGraw-Hill Platt Global Energy Award for Renewable Energy | |2004 |The Group celebrated its 50th anniversary on April 15, with a renewed, enhanced commitment to being successful | | |while upholding its core values | |2006 |Received the â€Å"Ashden Award†for Sustainable Energy | |2009 |Established Rahimafrooz Globatt Limited and Rahimafrooz Accumulators  limited | |2009 |Rahimafrooz launched multi brand consumer electronics outlet UREKA | |2009 |Rahimafrooz launched world renowned consumer electronics brand Daewoo | |2010 |Rahimafrooz Inaugurates its biggest and most modern warehouse at Hemayatpur, Savar. | 05. Product Service Products: Rahimafrooz mainly deals with electronics products like (TV, FRIEDGE, IPS, BATTERY, TYRE, LUBRICANTS etc). The brands that Rahimafrooz launch are given below†¦ [pic] Service: Rahimafrooz Ba ngladesh Ltd service center is situated in 13 Mahakhali commercial areas in Dhaka. Here the product of Rahimafrooz is sold and servicing also. Here the service is done in modern computerized system. The complaints are also solved and handle from here. [pic] 06. Organization chart [pic] 07. Awards Achievements [pic]  [pic]   [pic] Asia’s Best Brand       Asia’s Best Employer     C FE, CSR            CMO Award 2010     CMO Award 2010           Award 2008 [pic]    [pic]     [pic] Brand Leadership         Ashden Award      National Export Trophy     Award 2008            Award 2006           Award 2001-2002 08. Delivery Network The manufacturer and wholesaler must decide how to distribute their products. Working through the whole sellers, dealers or agents generally is easiest way of entering in the market. Whole sellers and dealers consider about cost and traffic flow, commission before keeping a product in the store. Location is less a concern for products or services that customers are willing to go out of their way to find. 08. 1: Dealers They are the authorized vendor who deals with the specific brand. (John M. Rathmell, Manager of the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 2: Retailers Traditional: Home to home, general stores, single line stores, specialty shops, department stores, catalog retailers, planned shopping centers The Mass Marketers: Supermarkets and discount houses (John M. Rathmell, Managing the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 3: Wholesalers Definition: Wholesaling is concerned with the activities of those persons or establishments who sell to retailers and other merchants, or to industrial, institutional, and commercial users. But who do not sell in significant amounts to ultimate consumers. But in the tyre market, the wholesaler serves the purpose of the retailer at the same time. Functions from the producer perspective: provide part of selling Four strategies can be produced through the tows matrix. SO strategy represents internal strength to take advantage with the external environment. WO strategy represents the internal weakness and to overcome that weakness by the external opportunity. ST strategy represents the strength of the company and to over come that the threat by the strength. WT strategies are defensive tactics directed at reducing internal weakness and avoiding external threats. 09. Advertising Promotion [pic] Rahimafrooz Company limited carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and convincing message about the organization and its products. [pic]Rahimafrooz is using all kinds of promotional afford including: †¢Print Media †¢Broadcast media †¢Outdoor Media †¢Internet Websites Rahimafrooz is using huge promotional afford in print media. This is the biggest promotional afford of the company. They are giving advertisement on the news paper, they are also publishing there own newsletter service through by them. [pic] [pic] Promotion, in its broadest sense, provides extra incentives for any group that is an important factor in the marketing of a brand. It is most often directed to the consumer or to the trade or other influential group. It is used to encourage sales or purchase a product. (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 1: TRADE SALES PROMOTION TECHNIQUES Push Policy emphasizes promotions focused on the next intermediary. Trade sales promotion techniques-stimulate wholesalers and retailers to carry products and to market them aggressively. Producers use sales promotion techniques to encourage resellers to carry their products and to promote them more effectively. 09. 2: TYPES OF SALES PROMOTIONS Samples (offer consumer for trail), Coupon (certificate that gives buyer savings), Cash refund (Refund money who send a proof of purchase), Price pack (Reduce price marked by producer), Patronage reward (reward for regular use), Discounts (direct reduction of price), Allowance (money offered to the seller to feature the manufactures product) (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 3: PREMIUM ITEMS OFFER Offer free or at minimum cost as a bonus. Use to attract competitors customers, different sizes of established products. Study identified from the net that Burger King with the Lion King movie was offered few years back in USA. 10. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis is a valuable step in your situational analysis. Assessing your firm’s strengths, weaknesses, market opportunities, and threats through a SWOT analysis is a very simple process that can offer powerful insight into the potential and critical issues affecting a venture. 10. 1: Strength o High company reputation. o Enable to provide much more customer satisfaction than competitors. o Higher product quality. o Provide higher service quality. o Distribution effectiveness is better than the others. o Strong management team enables to provide geographical coverage. o Able to launch a new product faster than the competitor o Financial position is much more stable than the other. 10. 2: Weakness o The major weakness of Rahimafrooz is the internal conflict of the management. Working sprit sometimes hampered by management conflict of the organization. o Though Rahimafrooz has a very good team for the marketing plan, but not all the people are experienced. o Communication barrier is the major weakness of the organization. o Expectation of the top management is very high. Sometimes they set very high target which is not achievable at all time. Sometimes it becomes burden for the employee. 10. 3: Opportunity o To get new customers after modification. o To provide more qualities in products. o Providing more benefit for products to increase more customer satisfaction. o Increasing the advertisement. o Increasing the distribution channel. Incentive for the employee who dose outstanding performance in their respective area. 10. 4: Threat o Major threat arises from the new entrants. o Many competitors in the electronic market. o Unethical competition. Such as, price cut, advertising, giving gift by the competitor may threaten position of Unilever. o Following th e same strategy by the competitors. o Worsening law and order situation of the country. o Availability of the substitute product in the market. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ MANAGING DIRECTOR ACCOUNTS MANAGER REGIONAL MANAGER DISTRIBUTION MANAGER MARKETING MANAGER CHIEF OPERATION OFFICER PRODUCT MANAGER ADMIN MGR C F MANAGER NI SYSTEM DIRET SALE RETAIL MGR
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