Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Presentation of Sex and Sexuality in Brave New World
presentation of sex and sexuality in Brave New World brave new world is a dystopian novel about an authoritarian regime and how they control people, in it there are characters that resist the leadership. Huxley’s Brave New World is a darkly satirical novel that uncovers and shows the weaknesses of society (mainly American) in 1932 with ‘pneumatic flappers’ and jazz clubs which, in Huxley’s mind, lack meaning and are too casual. The society uses sex and sexuality as a force to control the masses by removing all ‘love' in the act, by making it commonplace losing all meaning so they ‘can’t see the forest for the trees’.Science In Huxley’s novel plays a key role in how the sex and sexuality is portrayed in the book, it seems that science removes all emotions in everything. In Brave New World children are put through an extensive conditioning process where they are subject to ‘erotic play’ and hypnopaedia. In the 189 0’s the psychologist Sigmund Freud said that if you repress your sexual desires it builds up inside of you and can divert itself into damaging channels.I think that in this novel Huxley is satirising him saying that if everyone had sex like he is saying then this is what it would be like:- On page 26 a little boy and girl of seven and eight respectively, ‘were playing gravely and with all the focussed attention of scientists’ Huxley describes the children as playing ‘gravely’ or without emotion, I think that this is him trying to show us what this society has become: one where children are forced to have erotic play, as seen when the little boy is crying because he doesn’t want to play; and secondly that these constant sexual encounters have dimmed the excitement, passion and love in the act of sex to a point where it has become mundane and un-magical.Another thing that Huxley satirises Freud about is his theory about how the family is the pri me source of this inner conflict. In Brave New World there are no families and loose living is encouraged, men and women are made in factories. I think ‘the week’s supply of ova’ and ‘standard men and women in uniform batches’ describes perfectly how Huxley thinks the world would be without families. Without them it would dehumanise so much so that we lose our identities and become ‘standard men and women’ Men and women have a complicated relationship in brave new world. Men are usually Alpha plus’s and women are usually beta minus’s, I think that that in itself shows Huxley’s entirely chauvinistic attitude. Her smile flashed readily at him’ (pg13) ‘flashed readily’ portrays an image of automation, she does it without thinking showing an instant submission to him and that with that submission she is readily available. Again, ‘and giving her two or three little pats, received in exchange a ra ther deferential smile for himself’ the director pats her on the bottom because in this society ‘everyone belongs to everyone’ and he fancies her. This is another example of Huxley’s inbuilt and unconscious chauvinism, he has made it so the female characters all respectfully submit to the men. In 1932 when Huxley wrote this hitting a girl on the bottom was shunned and offensive but in Brave New World it is accepted by everyone including Lenina because they are conditioned to have sex with everyone.When Huxley went to America he encountered what he described as ‘the city of dreadful joy’ in Los Angeles where everyone had a hedonistic lifestyle and went to jazz clubs and there were ‘pneumatic flappers’ I think that Huxley is satirising them and giving a warning to us because that is what might happen in the future and Huxley believe that promiscuity like this is morally wrong and take all meaning out of sex. The Act of Sex in Brave New World is encouraged as much as possible because it is a particular, ‘for particulars, as everyone knows, make for virtue and happiness’ On page 58 some girls invite Helmholtz to a ‘picnic’. The ‘picnic’ replaces the word ‘sex’ which shows how amalgamated sex has become in society. Sex has been integrated into everything: thought, religious ceremonies, music, cinema, picnics etc. the society is very much so recreational and the people have become hedonistic.Huxley points this out because this kind of society – American society – has very loose morals too and is perhaps no the best way to go about progressing. The girls invite only him and not anyone else; it’s quite a suggestive thing to say, even desperate and they only invite him because he is ‘hot’. The society in this sense is very shallow and childlike. Sex is also practiced in mass orgies. Huxley uses metaphors to represent sex a lot like on page 66. The orgy is described using music which rises and climaxes with their climax. Huxley also employs a clever use of sibilance, in which the ‘du’ sound is repeated to give a sense of heartbeats and increasing rhythm to show excitement. I think that Huxley writes about it in this way rather than being explicit is ecause when this book was published the content would have been shunned, but also to show again how sex has been integrated into everything It may seem odd that the government in Brave New World encourages sex, I think that the reason that they do is because the world motto, ‘COMMUNITY, IDENTIY, STABILITY’ with its main point being stability believes that happiness = stability and then sex = happiness. It is used as a measure to keep the people in line because whilst having sex and being happy they ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’ which is more subtly put with the slogan, ‘for particulars, as everyone knows, make s for happiness and virtue’ which basically means that they shouldn’t be able to see the bigger picture and stop being happy.To ensure that they only really focus on sex they have installed it into every aspect of their life. On page 66-67 Bernard goes to Westminster Abby in London where they sit around in circles of twelve and then start dancing and then having sex. I think that it is quite a disturbing scene, and is definitely something that most people back in 1932 and now would find disgusting. Huxley seems to be satirising everything now including religion with the twelve disciples and it being in Westminster. The whole book I think is satirising the Roman Catholic Church with the ‘conditioning’ of people to believe something without question and how it leads to false happiness or happiness that is fabricated by someone else and not of your own making.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Jared Diamond
The question motivating the book is: why did history untold differently on different continents? †(Page: 8, lines: 1, 2, and 3) Well, due to the fact this book covers 13,000 years of history in a brief time it Is hard to properly write a thesis that would cover everything he will talk about. For one thing he has to talk about history on different continents, why did some societies progress slower or faster than others, and whyEurasia was more advanced or modern than the rest of the world. All these things made It harder for him to write a solid concrete thesis for example I'll start with why Eurasia was typically more advanced (by modern standards) than the rest of the world. So, to start it off, most people would probably say that Eurasia probably had more environmental advantages, such as more land, rivers, trees, and other materials that are so called â€Å"essential†to a better civilization.Another reason would be the mount of resources that they had available to t hem, such as iron, might not have been enough for them to fully understand it's potential. Now let us talk about why some societies may have progressed slower or faster than other societies. Well one reason could have been religion. Religion can impact a society In many ways like technologically, politically (if they have a political system), but mainly medically.I say mainly medically because if you are a polytheist and a disease that is spreading mom to your village or town your people would probably assume that your gods and/ or goddesses are either angry or they have cursed your land, which would cause the people to not even think that there may be a cure. While on the other hand another religion like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam mentions nothing of god causing famine, diseases and other things Just because he Is angry. O they look for the reason of what Is causing the famine, or disease, and then they try to find a way to end the famine, or cure the disease. A societies pol itical views may change because of a religion, like Christianity. For example before the birth of Sis (Jesus) the Roman Empire was run by the senate and an Emperor. Tater Christianity was accepted by the pagans of the eastern Roman Empire a. K. A. The Byzantine Empire the political slowly shifted from the emperor to the Patriarch or as he would later be called the Pope. We are finally going to talk about how history unfolded on different continents.Now as you'll probably see the problem with this subject is we are not taught about hat happens In other continents such as Australia, South America, and North America, even f we are it has to start out with what led Eurasian to go there. Also they focus so much on Eurasia that they forget about the rest of the world, like at the time of the Dark ages Muslims were actually in a Golden age. We were discovering new things, inventing new things such as the first water clock, successfully performing surgeries that other civilizations had not even thought of doing.So Just cause Eurasia had the black plague going on they focused so much on one event that occurred mainly in Eurasia that they claim it was the dark age. That's like one ‘Off person saying Mondays should be holidays and majority to that world agreeing without a second thought. Finally we are done, but you're probably like â€Å"I'm lost†. That is exactly my point, the reason his thesis is hard to understand in concrete terms is because he is sort of Jumping from place to place trying to connect it all but at the same time trying to go in order.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Company Profile of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltdâ€Â
†[pic] Founder Late A. C. Abdur Rahim (1915-1982) Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited 01. Background Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was established in 1950A. D. as a trading company. Late A. C. Abdur Rahim was the proprietor in this time. From 1954 it was established as a limited company. In the new environment he had to start afresh. He had little capital. His main assets were self-confidence and a strong faith in the Almighty, which carried him through all the difficulties with a remarkable triumph. He finally established a small proprietary trading company named Rahimafrooz Co, in Chittagong in 1950 which was later incorporated on 15th April 1954, which is now Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Ltd. Rahimafrooz expanded rapidly into various trading items. Within 5 years, Mr. Rahim was able to enter into a joint venture with Lucas (UK) to set up a modern automotive battery factory. He acquired the principal company Lucas Service Ltd in 1980 which is now known as Rahimafrooz Batteries Ltd. Apart from business, he engaged himself in benevolent activities. All through his life he was respected for his values and caring attitude. After a few years he left that job and ventured into a small partnership business. During early 1940s, he got active in commercial trading of scarce items and gained valuable experience. In 1947, he decided to move to Chittagong to live in an environment of religious freedom. pic] Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was started in business agreement with world famous England battery company Lucas from 1959. Later on, they established an ultramodern battery production factory in Nakhalpara Tejgaon, Dhaka with the â€Å"Lucas†Brand name. Then from 1980 it got license from the England Lucas Company collaborating technological and inf ormation support. He passed away on the 14th March 1982 in London leaving behind his dream, Rahimafrooz. At present Rahimafrooz has been producing and marketing various kinds of batteries like automotive battery, storage battery etc. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. lso has been marketing world famous tire â€Å"Dunlop†. Now Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. is involved with various kinds of production distribution and agency ship business. 02. Vision â€Å"To be leader in each market segment by being the most preferred supply source of quality products and services with high degree of customer delight. †03. Mission Statement 1. †¢ Increase volume value share 2. †¢ Reduce per unit distribution cost 3. †¢ Increase product portfolio 4. †¢ Strength distribution network 5. †¢ Ensure quality people with high level commitment 6. †¢ Benchmark customer services. 04. Milestones |1954 |Incorporated by Mr. A. C. Abdur Rahim | |1959 |Distributorship of Lucas Battery | |1978 |Exclusive distributorship of Dunlop tyre | |1980 |Acquisition of Bangladesh operations of Lucas UK | |1985 |First producer of industrial battery | |1985 |Pioneering Solar Power in collaboration with BP | |1992 |First ever battery exports to Singapore | |1993 |Launched Rahimafrooz Instant Power System | |1994 |Acquisition of Yuasa Batteries (Bangladesh) Ltd and launched Excel Retreads. |1997 |Attained ISO 9002 certification for RBL operations | |2000 |First India office opened in Ahmedabad | |2001 |Awarded â€Å"Bangladesh Enterprise of the Year†| |2001 |Attained ISO 14001:1996 for RBL operations | |2001 |Launched â€Å"Agora†– the first ever retail chain | |2002 |Launched Rahimafrooz Energy Service promoting distributed power | |2003 |Established Rahimafrooz CNG Ltd. |2003 |Awarded â€Å"National Export Trophy†| |2004 |Metro net Bangladesh, a fiber optic based digital solution p rovider for data communication, launched in joint | | |venture with Flora Telecom | |2004 |Received McGraw-Hill Platt Global Energy Award for Renewable Energy | |2004 |The Group celebrated its 50th anniversary on April 15, with a renewed, enhanced commitment to being successful | | |while upholding its core values | |2006 |Received the â€Å"Ashden Award†for Sustainable Energy | |2009 |Established Rahimafrooz Globatt Limited and Rahimafrooz Accumulators  limited | |2009 |Rahimafrooz launched multi brand consumer electronics outlet UREKA | |2009 |Rahimafrooz launched world renowned consumer electronics brand Daewoo | |2010 |Rahimafrooz Inaugurates its biggest and most modern warehouse at Hemayatpur, Savar. | 05. Product Service Products: Rahimafrooz mainly deals with electronics products like (TV, FRIEDGE, IPS, BATTERY, TYRE, LUBRICANTS etc). The brands that Rahimafrooz launch are given below†¦ [pic] Service: Rahimafrooz Ba ngladesh Ltd service center is situated in 13 Mahakhali commercial areas in Dhaka. Here the product of Rahimafrooz is sold and servicing also. Here the service is done in modern computerized system. The complaints are also solved and handle from here. [pic] 06. Organization chart [pic] 07. Awards Achievements [pic]  [pic]   [pic] Asia’s Best Brand       Asia’s Best Employer     C FE, CSR            CMO Award 2010     CMO Award 2010           Award 2008 [pic]    [pic]     [pic] Brand Leadership         Ashden Award      National Export Trophy     Award 2008            Award 2006           Award 2001-2002 08. Delivery Network The manufacturer and wholesaler must decide how to distribute their products. Working through the whole sellers, dealers or agents generally is easiest way of entering in the market. Whole sellers and dealers consider about cost and traffic flow, commission before keeping a product in the store. Location is less a concern for products or services that customers are willing to go out of their way to find. 08. 1: Dealers They are the authorized vendor who deals with the specific brand. (John M. Rathmell, Manager of the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 2: Retailers Traditional: Home to home, general stores, single line stores, specialty shops, department stores, catalog retailers, planned shopping centers The Mass Marketers: Supermarkets and discount houses (John M. Rathmell, Managing the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 3: Wholesalers Definition: Wholesaling is concerned with the activities of those persons or establishments who sell to retailers and other merchants, or to industrial, institutional, and commercial users. But who do not sell in significant amounts to ultimate consumers. But in the tyre market, the wholesaler serves the purpose of the retailer at the same time. Functions from the producer perspective: provide part of selling Four strategies can be produced through the tows matrix. SO strategy represents internal strength to take advantage with the external environment. WO strategy represents the internal weakness and to overcome that weakness by the external opportunity. ST strategy represents the strength of the company and to over come that the threat by the strength. WT strategies are defensive tactics directed at reducing internal weakness and avoiding external threats. 09. Advertising Promotion [pic] Rahimafrooz Company limited carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and convincing message about the organization and its products. [pic]Rahimafrooz is using all kinds of promotional afford including: †¢Print Media †¢Broadcast media †¢Outdoor Media †¢Internet Websites Rahimafrooz is using huge promotional afford in print media. This is the biggest promotional afford of the company. They are giving advertisement on the news paper, they are also publishing there own newsletter service through by them. [pic] [pic] Promotion, in its broadest sense, provides extra incentives for any group that is an important factor in the marketing of a brand. It is most often directed to the consumer or to the trade or other influential group. It is used to encourage sales or purchase a product. (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 1: TRADE SALES PROMOTION TECHNIQUES Push Policy emphasizes promotions focused on the next intermediary. Trade sales promotion techniques-stimulate wholesalers and retailers to carry products and to market them aggressively. Producers use sales promotion techniques to encourage resellers to carry their products and to promote them more effectively. 09. 2: TYPES OF SALES PROMOTIONS Samples (offer consumer for trail), Coupon (certificate that gives buyer savings), Cash refund (Refund money who send a proof of purchase), Price pack (Reduce price marked by producer), Patronage reward (reward for regular use), Discounts (direct reduction of price), Allowance (money offered to the seller to feature the manufactures product) (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 3: PREMIUM ITEMS OFFER Offer free or at minimum cost as a bonus. Use to attract competitors customers, different sizes of established products. Study identified from the net that Burger King with the Lion King movie was offered few years back in USA. 10. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis is a valuable step in your situational analysis. Assessing your firm’s strengths, weaknesses, market opportunities, and threats through a SWOT analysis is a very simple process that can offer powerful insight into the potential and critical issues affecting a venture. 10. 1: Strength o High company reputation. o Enable to provide much more customer satisfaction than competitors. o Higher product quality. o Provide higher service quality. o Distribution effectiveness is better than the others. o Strong management team enables to provide geographical coverage. o Able to launch a new product faster than the competitor o Financial position is much more stable than the other. 10. 2: Weakness o The major weakness of Rahimafrooz is the internal conflict of the management. Working sprit sometimes hampered by management conflict of the organization. o Though Rahimafrooz has a very good team for the marketing plan, but not all the people are experienced. o Communication barrier is the major weakness of the organization. o Expectation of the top management is very high. Sometimes they set very high target which is not achievable at all time. Sometimes it becomes burden for the employee. 10. 3: Opportunity o To get new customers after modification. o To provide more qualities in products. o Providing more benefit for products to increase more customer satisfaction. o Increasing the advertisement. o Increasing the distribution channel. Incentive for the employee who dose outstanding performance in their respective area. 10. 4: Threat o Major threat arises from the new entrants. o Many competitors in the electronic market. o Unethical competition. Such as, price cut, advertising, giving gift by the competitor may threaten position of Unilever. o Following th e same strategy by the competitors. o Worsening law and order situation of the country. o Availability of the substitute product in the market. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ MANAGING DIRECTOR ACCOUNTS MANAGER REGIONAL MANAGER DISTRIBUTION MANAGER MARKETING MANAGER CHIEF OPERATION OFFICER PRODUCT MANAGER ADMIN MGR C F MANAGER NI SYSTEM DIRET SALE RETAIL MGR Company Profile of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd††[pic] Founder Late A. C. Abdur Rahim (1915-1982) Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited 01. Background Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was established in 1950A. D. as a trading company. Late A. C. Abdur Rahim was the proprietor in this time. From 1954 it was established as a limited company. In the new environment he had to start afresh. He had little capital. His main assets were self-confidence and a strong faith in the Almighty, which carried him through all the difficulties with a remarkable triumph. He finally established a small proprietary trading company named Rahimafrooz Co, in Chittagong in 1950 which was later incorporated on 15th April 1954, which is now Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Ltd. Rahimafrooz expanded rapidly into various trading items. Within 5 years, Mr. Rahim was able to enter into a joint venture with Lucas (UK) to set up a modern automotive battery factory. He acquired the principal company Lucas Service Ltd in 1980 which is now known as Rahimafrooz Batteries Ltd. Apart from business, he engaged himself in benevolent activities. All through his life he was respected for his values and caring attitude. After a few years he left that job and ventured into a small partnership business. During early 1940s, he got active in commercial trading of scarce items and gained valuable experience. In 1947, he decided to move to Chittagong to live in an environment of religious freedom. pic] Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was started in business agreement with world famous England battery company Lucas from 1959. Later on, they established an ultramodern battery production factory in Nakhalpara Tejgaon, Dhaka with the â€Å"Lucas†Brand name. Then from 1980 it got license from the England Lucas Company collaborating technological and inf ormation support. He passed away on the 14th March 1982 in London leaving behind his dream, Rahimafrooz. At present Rahimafrooz has been producing and marketing various kinds of batteries like automotive battery, storage battery etc. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. lso has been marketing world famous tire â€Å"Dunlop†. Now Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. is involved with various kinds of production distribution and agency ship business. 02. Vision â€Å"To be leader in each market segment by being the most preferred supply source of quality products and services with high degree of customer delight. †03. Mission Statement 1. †¢ Increase volume value share 2. †¢ Reduce per unit distribution cost 3. †¢ Increase product portfolio 4. †¢ Strength distribution network 5. †¢ Ensure quality people with high level commitment 6. †¢ Benchmark customer services. 04. Milestones |1954 |Incorporated by Mr. A. C. Abdur Rahim | |1959 |Distributorship of Lucas Battery | |1978 |Exclusive distributorship of Dunlop tyre | |1980 |Acquisition of Bangladesh operations of Lucas UK | |1985 |First producer of industrial battery | |1985 |Pioneering Solar Power in collaboration with BP | |1992 |First ever battery exports to Singapore | |1993 |Launched Rahimafrooz Instant Power System | |1994 |Acquisition of Yuasa Batteries (Bangladesh) Ltd and launched Excel Retreads. |1997 |Attained ISO 9002 certification for RBL operations | |2000 |First India office opened in Ahmedabad | |2001 |Awarded â€Å"Bangladesh Enterprise of the Year†| |2001 |Attained ISO 14001:1996 for RBL operations | |2001 |Launched â€Å"Agora†– the first ever retail chain | |2002 |Launched Rahimafrooz Energy Service promoting distributed power | |2003 |Established Rahimafrooz CNG Ltd. |2003 |Awarded â€Å"National Export Trophy†| |2004 |Metro net Bangladesh, a fiber optic based digital solution p rovider for data communication, launched in joint | | |venture with Flora Telecom | |2004 |Received McGraw-Hill Platt Global Energy Award for Renewable Energy | |2004 |The Group celebrated its 50th anniversary on April 15, with a renewed, enhanced commitment to being successful | | |while upholding its core values | |2006 |Received the â€Å"Ashden Award†for Sustainable Energy | |2009 |Established Rahimafrooz Globatt Limited and Rahimafrooz Accumulators  limited | |2009 |Rahimafrooz launched multi brand consumer electronics outlet UREKA | |2009 |Rahimafrooz launched world renowned consumer electronics brand Daewoo | |2010 |Rahimafrooz Inaugurates its biggest and most modern warehouse at Hemayatpur, Savar. | 05. Product Service Products: Rahimafrooz mainly deals with electronics products like (TV, FRIEDGE, IPS, BATTERY, TYRE, LUBRICANTS etc). The brands that Rahimafrooz launch are given below†¦ [pic] Service: Rahimafrooz Ba ngladesh Ltd service center is situated in 13 Mahakhali commercial areas in Dhaka. Here the product of Rahimafrooz is sold and servicing also. Here the service is done in modern computerized system. The complaints are also solved and handle from here. [pic] 06. Organization chart [pic] 07. Awards Achievements [pic]  [pic]   [pic] Asia’s Best Brand       Asia’s Best Employer     C FE, CSR            CMO Award 2010     CMO Award 2010           Award 2008 [pic]    [pic]     [pic] Brand Leadership         Ashden Award      National Export Trophy     Award 2008            Award 2006           Award 2001-2002 08. Delivery Network The manufacturer and wholesaler must decide how to distribute their products. Working through the whole sellers, dealers or agents generally is easiest way of entering in the market. Whole sellers and dealers consider about cost and traffic flow, commission before keeping a product in the store. Location is less a concern for products or services that customers are willing to go out of their way to find. 08. 1: Dealers They are the authorized vendor who deals with the specific brand. (John M. Rathmell, Manager of the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 2: Retailers Traditional: Home to home, general stores, single line stores, specialty shops, department stores, catalog retailers, planned shopping centers The Mass Marketers: Supermarkets and discount houses (John M. Rathmell, Managing the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 3: Wholesalers Definition: Wholesaling is concerned with the activities of those persons or establishments who sell to retailers and other merchants, or to industrial, institutional, and commercial users. But who do not sell in significant amounts to ultimate consumers. But in the tyre market, the wholesaler serves the purpose of the retailer at the same time. Functions from the producer perspective: provide part of selling Four strategies can be produced through the tows matrix. SO strategy represents internal strength to take advantage with the external environment. WO strategy represents the internal weakness and to overcome that weakness by the external opportunity. ST strategy represents the strength of the company and to over come that the threat by the strength. WT strategies are defensive tactics directed at reducing internal weakness and avoiding external threats. 09. Advertising Promotion [pic] Rahimafrooz Company limited carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and convincing message about the organization and its products. [pic]Rahimafrooz is using all kinds of promotional afford including: †¢Print Media †¢Broadcast media †¢Outdoor Media †¢Internet Websites Rahimafrooz is using huge promotional afford in print media. This is the biggest promotional afford of the company. They are giving advertisement on the news paper, they are also publishing there own newsletter service through by them. [pic] [pic] Promotion, in its broadest sense, provides extra incentives for any group that is an important factor in the marketing of a brand. It is most often directed to the consumer or to the trade or other influential group. It is used to encourage sales or purchase a product. (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 1: TRADE SALES PROMOTION TECHNIQUES Push Policy emphasizes promotions focused on the next intermediary. Trade sales promotion techniques-stimulate wholesalers and retailers to carry products and to market them aggressively. Producers use sales promotion techniques to encourage resellers to carry their products and to promote them more effectively. 09. 2: TYPES OF SALES PROMOTIONS Samples (offer consumer for trail), Coupon (certificate that gives buyer savings), Cash refund (Refund money who send a proof of purchase), Price pack (Reduce price marked by producer), Patronage reward (reward for regular use), Discounts (direct reduction of price), Allowance (money offered to the seller to feature the manufactures product) (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 3: PREMIUM ITEMS OFFER Offer free or at minimum cost as a bonus. Use to attract competitors customers, different sizes of established products. Study identified from the net that Burger King with the Lion King movie was offered few years back in USA. 10. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis is a valuable step in your situational analysis. Assessing your firm’s strengths, weaknesses, market opportunities, and threats through a SWOT analysis is a very simple process that can offer powerful insight into the potential and critical issues affecting a venture. 10. 1: Strength o High company reputation. o Enable to provide much more customer satisfaction than competitors. o Higher product quality. o Provide higher service quality. o Distribution effectiveness is better than the others. o Strong management team enables to provide geographical coverage. o Able to launch a new product faster than the competitor o Financial position is much more stable than the other. 10. 2: Weakness o The major weakness of Rahimafrooz is the internal conflict of the management. Working sprit sometimes hampered by management conflict of the organization. o Though Rahimafrooz has a very good team for the marketing plan, but not all the people are experienced. o Communication barrier is the major weakness of the organization. o Expectation of the top management is very high. Sometimes they set very high target which is not achievable at all time. Sometimes it becomes burden for the employee. 10. 3: Opportunity o To get new customers after modification. o To provide more qualities in products. o Providing more benefit for products to increase more customer satisfaction. o Increasing the advertisement. o Increasing the distribution channel. Incentive for the employee who dose outstanding performance in their respective area. 10. 4: Threat o Major threat arises from the new entrants. o Many competitors in the electronic market. o Unethical competition. Such as, price cut, advertising, giving gift by the competitor may threaten position of Unilever. o Following th e same strategy by the competitors. o Worsening law and order situation of the country. o Availability of the substitute product in the market. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ MANAGING DIRECTOR ACCOUNTS MANAGER REGIONAL MANAGER DISTRIBUTION MANAGER MARKETING MANAGER CHIEF OPERATION OFFICER PRODUCT MANAGER ADMIN MGR C F MANAGER NI SYSTEM DIRET SALE RETAIL MGR
Mobile Pet Grooming (Truck Pet Grooming) Research Paper
Mobile Pet Grooming (Truck Pet Grooming) - Research Paper Example s of services that will entail forging a closer bond between the owner and the pet, general cleaning of the dog, reduction of parasite infestation load, monitoring the health of the dog through physical examinations of swellings, cuts, scratches, cuts, changes in temperament as well as lameness. Our grooming professionals will also conduct a health examination using sophisticated machines with an intension of decreasing chances of other health problems such as scratches, thrush and other skin related condition. Our services will cover a large area of the city with our professionals performing their best to ensure the needs of the many customers are met. Our employees will utilize the various tools owned by the firm such as curry brush, clippers, shedding blade, stripping comb, slicker brushes, rakes, and stand dryers to attend to the pets in a professional manner. Duraz mobile pet grooming business will be headquartered in Los Angeles in the state of California and will extend to other places in the state after assessing the need. The business will be started in California as a result of many people in the town owning pets such as dogs and cats. California is one of the most populated states in the United States of America and has people of all of all the classes (CHANG, 1750). Major cities in California with highest number of people who owns dog include San Francisco, Rodeo drive, Hollywood, Los Angeles and San Diego (Packard, 63). The large number of people with a high percentage of them having pets will offer ready market for the mobile grooming services. The number of mobile pet grooming services is less compared to over a hundred thousand pets available in the state. Most people in California have pets especially dogs. The dog owners have a habit that often seems perplexing; they seem to be so much obsessed with dogs (BaÇ §cigil et al, 1350). Around three quarters of dog owners in California consider their pet as a family member and will pay anything to
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Full analysis of Dell PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Full analysis of Dell PLC - Essay Example The strategy enabled the organization to serve the needs of their customers with some very effective solutions. Dell custom assembled each computer according to the selection of options by the clients, which lead to lower prices than competitors but enhanced convenience to customers and to the company (Wikipedia, 2007). Over the past twenty three years, Dell worked hard and overtook industry giants following their own business model of direct selling instead of going through retailers and reseller (Lee, 2006). Dells mission is simple enough for both the customer and for all other stakeholders in the company. They wish to be the most successful computer company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in markets they serve. However recently the company has faced multiple challenges and has missed their sales forecast figures in six consecutive quarters, surprising for a company which consistently produced results beyond expectations. In the third quarter of 2006, Hewlett Packard dislodged Dell from its leadership position and sold more notebooks (Olenick, 2006). This paper aims to conduct SWOT and PEST analysis for dell and make recommendations in order for Dell to reclaim its leadership position in the industry. Strengths: The biggest strength of Dell is its direct business model. Dell wasn’t the first company to try the direct sales model, but was the first one to make it a success in the technology industry (Wikipedia, 2007). The business model helped accurately identify customer’s needs and made the computer assembly model one of the leanest in the industry. The focus on the model helped company develop their supply chain where components are delivered just in time for assembly (Margulius, 2006). The company ordered the required components only after the customer places the order for the system. It facilitated in not only identifying the customer’s
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Short research report explaining a recent innovation in your area of Assignment
Short research report explaining a recent innovation in your area of interest or expertise - Assignment Example I happen to work as a junior assistant manager in Ufone mobile manufacturing company, and after reading various authentic research reports about the revolutionary features of Symbian 3 technology, I think that supporting this feature in the mobiles can really make any company stand in the mainstream. According to Tofel, Symbian- in accordance with its dynamic approach has successfully introduced a totally new horizon in the form of Symbian 3 to the mobile software engineers and common public by giving them a chance to enjoy easy application programming. The new web development tools introduced by the Symbian 3 operating system are extremely easy-to-use and convenient for the users, allowing them to access most of the important applications from the home screen at the same time. I feel that my company needs to make this software technology its top most priority because the addition of this amazing feature in our cell phones will significantly change the way the customers see our mobil es. The broad range of effective application and software development tools like multi-touch gesture support offered by Symbian 3 is greatly capable of affecting the productivity and customer satisfaction scale in a positive way (Symbian^3). Positive effects of Symbian 3 on the mobile manufacturing industry: According to Spence, Symbian 3 has managed in influencing the mobile industry in such a huge way that it is reported to be undergoing the biggest change as yet seen in the history. Reportedly, almost 314000 latest high-end smartphones featuring Symbian 3 technology are getting sold on a daily basis. This interesting piece of information points towards an important fact, which suggests that the soaring popularity gained by Symbian is far outweighing the popularity that was the pride of other eminent mobile manufacturers like Android and Palm. This immense popularity also underlines the understandable fact that commitment with this important and interesting feature can prove to be hugely beneficial for any cell phone manufacturing company in terms of gross revenue and customer appreciation. I want this technology to become the defining symbol of our company because the amazing web development tools are easy-to-get-familiar-with for any user, who even has not any solid technical understanding. It is an undisputed reality that the priorities of the customers keep changing with time and no technology, be it immensely effective and convenient for the public, lasts forever in the context of public appreciation. Flexibility should be an essential feature of organizational behavior and so, I want my company to adhere to this latest technology so that new changes can be brought in the way the mobile softwares are designed. We should look up to the biggest changes brought by the topmost technologies introduced in the international mobile industry and Symbian 3 is definitely one of those eye-catching technologies. Why Symbian 3 should be made the top priority of any m obile company? Shaukat lays stress on the remarkable features supported by the Symbian OS by saying that the software tools that come with Symbian 3 have made the founder of this technology, Symbian, so popular that â€Å"it has taken over 70% of the existing smartphone market.â€
Friday, July 26, 2019
Essential for health and human service professionals Essay
Essential for health and human service professionals - Essay Example Patient care needs to be holistic for effective recovery and is accomplished through inter-professional practice whereby each professional learns from the others while on the other hand the others learn from him/her. This essay is a critique of the significance for health and human service professionals to understand the roles of other disciplines to enable an interdisciplinary approach to the design and provision of quality care and service. It illustrates how consumers, professionals, health and human service agencies, and government interact to plan and deliver health and human services. Healthcare professionals interact to combine the various skills they possess for the purpose of accomplishing the desired completeness for provision of quality healthcare services. Jones & Creedy (2009) observe that the reason why there are variations in the knowledge that health professionals possess is the fact that no single person can have all the skills required for the provision of healthcare services. It might take an extremely long period to complete all the courses involved in the healthcare field. The reason for dividing it in to smaller units and educating different experts in each unit is therefore justified. All the units are focused on maintenance of good health amongst the public. The professionals working in the various healthcare fields such as nurses, physicians, pharmacists and dentists among others are therefore integral components of the healthcare system. Competition between any of the professionals would be meaningless especially due to the fact that their tas ks are not similar but they have to be accomplished in order for the organizations offering healthcare services to accomplish their goals (Jessup 2007). An example of an important collaboration in healthcare for the safety of patients is the relationship between a physician, patient and a pharmacist. After a physician recommends medication to a patient, it is
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Discuss the arguments justifying torture as a legitimate Essay
Discuss the arguments justifying torture as a legitimate counter-terror strategy and the implications of legitimizing state-sponsored programmes of torture - Essay Example The collective costs of terrorism include its destabilization of governments, civil societies, peace and security as well as its threat to socio-economic development of the affected zones and the entire global society; these collective costs also undermine the stability of human rights. Given that individuals are entitled to security as a fundamental human right and governments are obligated to assure the security of their citizenry, states around the world have consequently adopted significant measures to safeguard their nationals against the insecurity threat posed by terrorism (Piazza & Walsh 2010, p.407). Nonetheless, developments in the recent past including the pervasiveness of global terrorism and the fast changing nature and scope of terrorism have compelled governments to adopt stringent measures as counter-terrorism strategies, consequently undermining human rights and the rule of law (Foot 2007, p.489). Most if not all states are increasingly resorting to the use of tortur e and other ill-treatment as their counter-terrorism strategy while disregarding the legal institutional safeguards designed to prevent torture. Similarly, other states have undermined the global commitment to avoidance of torture and handed over terror suspects to the countries where they are highly susceptible to torture as well as other human rights abuses. The fight against global terrorism has been mired with both pro and anti-torture arguments all over the world, with the opponents of the use of torture as a counter-terrorism strategy claiming that such an approach is counterproductive since it undermines the rule of law, good governance and human rights. In that reservists have often argued that the war on terror should be tampered with respect for human rights as well as the rule of law respectively, through the establishment of counter-terrorism strategies that both
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Enhancement drug Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Enhancement drug - Essay Example It is from this use of memory and performance boosters that sharp debates emerge as to how positive or negative they might have on the society if their prescription is accepted. This study will discuss the reasons as to why cognitive enhancement drugs should not be made available to those in society who do not have cognitive deficiencies. This tough debate attracts the opinions of many with no single agreement on which side of the motion to take up to today, and this is debate never complete without the mention of two people: Edmund Higgins and one Henry Greely. These two make strong arguments in the debate, with Henry supports for the prescription of cognitive enhancement drugs claiming that they will significantly benefit the user and society if they have rules controlling their use. On his part, Higgins says that long-term use of these drugs might have hidden risks that will harm, rather than do the society any good. So who between Higgins and Greely supports the real cause for th e good of the society? To support the reason why I am against making ADHD available to those who do not have cognitive deficiency, I will state the reasons. The first reason is that the use of these drugs for purposes other than medical has a risk of addiction. According to research, some ADHD drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall lead to severe addiction and withdrawal, meaning it has an abuse potential. This is because once the user relies on the drugs for doing particular tasks, then it gets to a point where they cannot function nor do the tasks without the use of ADHD drugs. In a research carried out by Nora Volkow, there was evidence that injecting oneself with methylphenidate caused an effect like that of cocaine. On another note, these drugs give an unfair advantage to people who do not have cognitive deficiencies when they use them in competitive areas. For example if an athlete takes performance boosters and runs the same race with others who do not use them gives the user an unfair advantage. That is socially unacceptable because it means that instead of attending training like the other athletes, then the one using drugs to enhance their performance is being unfair because he uses a cheating method to win the race. In relation to the issue of unfair competition, it is possible that once people realize that others use enhancers to have an advantage over them, then they will also start using them so that they match them, or make the competition. This is not acceptable because it means they use the drugs not because they want to, but because they have to make the competition equal, which is a bad effect to the society. Another popular consequence of using these enhancing drugs as put by Higgins (2009), is an alteration of mood. The normal people taking enhancers without prescription display negative changes in their moods and they display excess emotion such as anger, or become abnormally silent. Research has found that stimulants affect the brain’ s reward pathways that control moods under normal condition therefore altering their normal functioning. This conclusion was made after a study conducted by Leandro F. Vendruscolo on rats where he was injecting them with methylphenidate for 16 days showed that they were anxious than those not injected with the drug. Greely is aware those brain enhancement mechanisms pose
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
What is ADR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
What is ADR - Essay Example Recently ADR gained wide appreciation and legitimacy in modern states too as its applicability and practicability has increased considerably. This paper seeks to explore the various factors associated with alternative dispute resolutions; and special efforts are made to report the legal and social benefits of ADR. The types of Alternative Resolutions vary according to the nature of disputes and the choice of parties. However, there are certain common ADR options that include both court annexed ADR and private modes. They can be listed as follows; Mediation must be the most accepted mode of resolution in the United States. This method is also termed as conciliation because the parties themselves resolve their disputes in the presence of a neutral third party. The main feature of this method is that it takes place at the parties’ commitment and the success depends on voluntary initiative to bargain and negotiate. However, the mediator does not impose a final decision over the disputes but only helps parties to reach settlement. Parties enjoy maximum freedom to explain their stories and to disclose their stance. Furthermore, unlike litigation processes, ADR method allows parties to decide their mediator and to design strategies for the resolution. The role of the third party is to create an opportunity for the parties to sit together and to disclose their position to each other. In order to enhance the resolution process, the facilitator may arrange separate sessions as well as joint meetings. As it is in mediation, arbitration also renders freedom to parties to choose their third party who would hear the disputes. The major difference with the arbitration is that the final verdict of the dispute will be imposed by the third party that is the arbitrator. Although arbitration takes place in private, it is enforceable by the legal system. Therefore, as compared to mediation, parties have less freedom in this mode of ADR. Once
Organic food - Agriculture Essay Example for Free
Organic food Agriculture Essay Ever wondered why organic foods are more expensive? Why organic foods are kept separately from the other food in a grocery store? Why some produce has special labels? The food all looks the same on the outside. An apple marked organic looks the same as any other apple in the produce section of the store. The difference is not the outward appearance but how the apple was grown and processed. The word organic gives the impression that the food will be safer and more nutritious to eat than food without the organic label. Many scientific studies have been done to find if there is a significant difference in safety and nutrition. The studies all conclude the same information. Organically grown foods are not any more nutritious or safer for consumption than conventionally grown, non-organic foods. Many people are not clear regarding how organic and non-organic also known as conventionally grown food is grown in the United States. Organically grown food is grown and processed using no synthetic chemicals, such as fertilizers or pesticides (Environmental Protection Agency, 2009). Pesticides derived from natural sources, such as biological pesticides, can be used in growing and producing organically grown food (Environmental Protection Agency, 2009). Biological pesticides are bacteria or fungi that are applied to the plant to control bugs (Environmental Protection Agency, 2009). If raising livestock, the animals eat organic animal food (American Progress, 2008). Organic farming does not have adverse effects on animals and people. Using biological pesticides and fertilizers does not leave toxins or harmful residues in the environment (American Progress, 2008). These types of pesticides and fertilizers are considered to be environmentally friendly, unlike non-organic farming. Non-organic or conventionally grown food is food grown with chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth. Insecticides are used to reduce pests and disease. Chemical herbicides are applied to soil to prevent and kill weeds. The animals are given antibiotics when sick. Growth hormones and medications are given to livestock to prevent disease and spur growth (Mayo Clinic, 2009). The two methods of farming are very different regarding farming techniques. Farming techniques are the main factor that contributes to a food classification as organic or non-organic. Organic farming techniques are one reason the cost is higher than conventionally grown food. Organic farming uses crop rotation (American Progress, 2008). This is growing one type of food, then harvesting that food and planting a different crop in the same place. Crop rotation helps keep the soil fertile. Organic farmers rely on the spreading of mulch or manure to keep weeds down (Mayo Clinic, 2009). Organic farmers may use methods such a hand weeding as opposed to using herbicides sprayed on the entire crop. Organic farmers may use beneficial insects and birds to keep pests from destroying crops (American Progress, 2008). Organic farming is much like farming before all the technological advancements in farming that is used today in conventional farming. Organic farming is designed to reduce pollution and conserve soil and water (American Progress, 2008). Either way a farmer chooses to grow food, the food still has to pass all standards set up by the United States government. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has set standards all food producers must adhere to and pass whether organically or conventionally grown. Food must be safe before it is sold to consumers. The National Organic Program (NOP) develops, implements, and administers national production, handling, and labeling standards for organic agricultural products. The NOP also accredits the certifying agents, both foreign and domestic, who inspect organic production and handling operations to certify that they meet USDA standards (United States Department of Agriculture, 2010). The Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) and the NOP assure consumers that the organic agricultural products they purchase are produced, processed, and certified to consistent national organic standards. The labeling requirements of the NOP apply to raw, fresh products and processed products that contain organic agricultural ingredients. Agricultural products that are sold, labeled, or represented as organic must be produced and processed in accordance with the NOP standards (Agriculture Marketing Service, 2010). If the food passes all the criteria, the food can legally carry an organic label. Labels are an important part of correctly marketing organic food. All food has to be classified and labeled before it can be sold for consumption whether organic or non-organic. Before a product can carry the organic label, it must pass all the USDA guidelines. Products that are completely organic or made of all organic ingredients are considered 100% organic. Examples of completely organic products are single-ingredient foods, such as fruits, vegetables, eggs. These type foods are labeled 100% organic. These foods can carry a USDA organic seal (Mayo Clinic, 2009). Food that contains organic ingredients but also have other ingredients that may not be organic are considered 95% organic (Agricultural Marketing Service, 2008). An example of this type of food is cereal. Manufacturers and farmers may use the word organic on the product label if the food contains more than 70% organic ingredients (Agricultural Marketing Service, 2008). The label is not the USDA label but the manufacturer’s label. An example of this type of food is a soup that has a manufacturer label boasting it has organic ingredients. Foods containing less than 70% organic ingredients cannot use the word organic on their product label (Agricultural Marketing Service, 2008). The USDA issues heavy penalties for misrepresenting a product as organic. Natural food is not organic even though the two are usually within the same section in a market. Natural food is a term that may confuse people. Natural food does not have strict labeling standards set up by the USDA. Thus, many products can carry a natural food label. It would be easy to misconstrue natural food as organic. By definition, natural food is food that has undergone no or minimal processing and contains no additives such as preservatives or artificial coloring (Encarta, 2009). Natural food is the way the food is processed after it has been grown. Organic and non-organic food is defined according to how it was grown and then processed. The quality of food is still the issue for natural, organic, and non-organic when deciding what to buy. The quality of the food is one of the main issues between organic and conventionally grown food. The concern about conventionally grown food is if the food contains chemicals or chemical residue. Many studies have been done on organic and conventional food. Conventionally grown food does contain trace amounts of residue from the chemicals used in producing the food. Thoroughly washing produce with water and scrubbing before consuming reduces the residue on the fruit or vegetable (Mayo Clinic, 2009). According to the studies, there is no difference as far as taste. Taste is subjective to the growing conditions, season, and if a food is at its freshest point (Mayo Clinic, 2009). Taste is, of course, a matter of opinion. Something that studies can measure is the nutritional value of food. Many studies have been done comparing the nutritional value of organic and conventionally grown food. The studies have shown that there is no conclusive evidence to prove that organic food is more nutritious than is conventionally grown food (Mayo Clinic, 2009). The USDA, even though it certifies the food, does not claim organic foods are safer or more nutritious than conventional food (Mayo Clinic, 2009). An organic facts site states the following about organic and conventionally grown foods, â€Å"There is no evidence to prove that organic food is healthier than non organic food. People prefer organic food because they feel it is safer than conventional food as chemicals are not used in its production (Organic Facts, 2010). †Study after study does not prove organic food safer or more nutritious than conventionally grown food. Nutrition is not the only issue at hand. The controversy lies in the growing methods between organic and conventional farming. The issue should deal more with depleting the soil of its minerals and the chemicals washing off into the water supplies. The labels are added to organic food so that consumers have a choice. A consumer can easily identify organic products by the labels. When at the supermarket, look over the organic section. Do not worry that one fruit or vegetable tastes better than the other. Do not ask if one is more nutritious than the other. What should be asked, do I want to help conserve the environment? References Agricultural Marketing Service. (2010). Agricultural Marketing Service – National Organic Program. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from http://www. ams. usda. gov/AMSv1. 0/NOP American Progress. (2008). Organic vs. Conventional Foods-The Gloves Come Off. Retrieved January 13, 2010, from http://www. americanprogress. org/issues/2008/09/organic_green. html Encarta. (2009). natural food definition – Dictionary – MSN Encarta. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from http://www. encarta. msn. com/dictionary_1861696699/natural_food.html Environmental Protection Agency. (2009). Organic Farming/Agriculture/US EPA. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from http://www. epa. gov/oecaagct/torg. html Mayo Clinic. (2009). Organic Foods: Are they safer? More Nutritious? Retrieved January 13, 2010, from http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/organic-food/NU00255 Organic Facts. (2010). Difference Between Organic and Natural Food | Organic Food Basics | Organic Food. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from http://www. organicfacts. net/organic-food/organic-food-basics/difference-between-organic-and-natural-food. html.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Sneakers War Essay Example for Free
Sneakers War Essay Marketing Management SNEAKER WARS 2007 Nike never lacks for boldness. The Beaverton sneaker goliath recently offered the German National Soccer Federation $778 million to sponsor its national soccer team for 10 years in an audacious move to rattle its German rival adidas and long-time sponsor of the German team. Nikes new chief executive, Mark Parker, upped the boldness quotient again on Feb. 6, when he outlined an ambitious plan to grow revenues by $8 billion in five years. In his first major initiative since inheriting the top spot (Chief Executive) in January, 2006, Parker explained to investors at Nikes annual analyst conference how the company aims to grow to $23 billion in global revenue by 2011. The comprehensive long-term strategy calls for reshaping the management structure; redefining Nikes relationship with its fast-changing, digitally driven consumer; and adding 100 new company stores worldwide in three years. Were fundamentally changing the way we organize the company, Parker said. Nike is as hungry and as driven as weve ever been before and becoming more focused and more competitive. While analysts and investors applauded much of Nikes new strategy, some questioned whether the company could actually do it. After all, revenues would need to rise 53% over five years, or average about 9% a year, to reach the target of $23 billion. Its going to be challenging to achieve $8 billion in new sales without turning around slumping sales in Europe, Japan, and the U. S. basketball market a crucial $3 billion to $3. billion market segment. I think its going to be tough for them, said John Shanley, financial analyst for Susquehanna Financial. Basketball, for example, is shrinkin g in terms of sales. They have 96% of the market share in the $100 or more price point. How do you get high single-digit growth when you already have more than 96% of the market? Nike executives fell short in offering specific details to some of these questions and focused more on painting a broader picture of the new strategy. They stressed a multi-pronged approach that includes reorganizing the Nike brand into six main athletic divisions running, basketball, soccer, womens fitness, mens training, and sport culture that are expected to generate 75% of the brands growth. The company had previously divided the brand into three segments: footwear, apparel, and equipment. Growth is also expected to come from emerging markets and potential acquisitions. But Nike Brand President Charlie Denson said the company can reach the $23 billion target without new acquisitions. As for new markets, China is expected to become Nikes second biggest market behind the U. S. , potentially chalking up $1 billion in sales. Nike is building a strategy for growth across China that will foster new connections with Chinese youth, a market share plan designed to reap benefits far beyond the Beijing Olympics next year, top executives said last week. By tapping into swelling consumerism, label consciousness and new social freedoms among Chinas youth, Nike hopes to cement and expand its current position as the leading athletic footwear and apparel brand in the worlds most populous country, currently the companys fourth-largest market. With about $600 million in current annual sales, Nike believes China has the potential to be the companys second-largest market behind the United States with revenue of $1 billion within five years. The company estimates some 50 million Chinese youth play basketball. We think our opportunity there is to connect more deeply with local culture, Parker said, explaining Nikes overall China strategy. Parker said Nike will create products and retail and digital experiences designed to resonate with wired, hip and willing-to-spend Chinese youth living in different cities and regions. Ultimately, thats going to be our best foundation for growth going forward, Parker said. China is a prime component in the global Nike puzzle that will help push total sales for the Beaverton, Oregon-based company toward a target of $23 billion by 2011. Nike also views India, whose population growth rate is rising faster than China’s and Russia as potential $1 billion markets. Although the budget for Nik es 2008 Beijing Olympics strategy has not yet been planned, Nike Brand President Charlie Denson said that commitment would be major. But, Denson said, We are looking beyond Beijing. A recent Just Do It campaign that aired on Chinese television featured a young woman basketball player and a young male skateboarder who spoke of their lives and dreams through sports. A popular Internet-based advertising campaign that followed the television advertisements encouraged teenagers to send in their own stories. While soccer and basketball are the most popular sports among Chinese youth, Nike also sees a huge market for its sports culture footwear and apparel lines that capture the allure of sports without the performance aspects. Trevor Edwards, Nikes vice president of global brand and category management, explained that Nike is trying to encourage Chinese youth to find their individual voice. The Just Do It campaign and others, Edwards said, communicated that we were a brand about opportunity; we were a brand about hope. Nike sponsors 22 out of 28 Chinese sports federations. While the best-known Chinese athlete in the United States, basketball centre Yao Ming, is signed with Reebok, a division of Adidas AG , popular Chinese hurdler and Olympic gold medallist Liu Xiang is a Nike athlete. Even though much of Nikes marketing campaign in China is based on youth individuality, Nike wants to make sure their footwear fits the millions. To that end, Nikes engineers and physiologists back at their headquarters have been collecting data about Chinese feet. But the company will not say whether specific footwear lines will be launched for China. Nikes India business has grown 40% since last year thanks in part to its efforts in cricket. Nike executives also said they plan to invest aggressively in other potential billion-dollar markets such as Russia and Brazil. Back in the USA, Nikes efforts to add new retail stores and elevate its partnership with existing retailers is a big part of its new strategy. This effort comes at a time of sluggish sales from some of its biggest retailers mall-based chains Foot Locker (FL) and Finish Line (FINL). Nike executives said the company plans to grow its direct-to-retail business to 15% of total sales, or $3. 5 billion, from 12% today. The segment includes its own stores, factory outlets, and an e-commerce division, which executives expect to see a significant increase in revenues over the next five years. For the planned retail investment, Nike will increase capital spending to $475 million annually, up from just under $400 million, Nike said. Gary DeStefano, president of Nikes global operations, stressed its retail goal is to make Nike a better retail partner: This is not about Nike vs. the retailers, he said. This is a partnership. We believe this could be a growth strategy. But probably Nikes boldest bet is on the consumer. In the eyes of Parker, this new and evolving digitally driven consumer is reshaping the retailing landscape. The power is now in the onsumers hands, and Parker believes Nike and other consumer brand companies need to adjust to the new market dynamics. Consumers have never held as much power as they do today, Parker said. And clearly the power has shifted to consumers. Nikes Denson said this fundamental shift can be captured in the way the company studies its consumer profiles. In the past, managers used to consider 18- and 22-year-olds as part of the same demo graphic target. Now he says they are treated as separate and distinct markets when it comes to age, interests, and tastes. We spent the last 30 years trying to bundle things, and now its almost the reverse and we have to un-bundle things, Denson said, explaining Nikes new efforts to tailor products to individual consumers. Despite these fundamental changes in how Nike approaches its customers and its reshaped management structure, some things never change. Nike remains its audacious self and competitive juices still run strong. It still has goals to dominate markets where it is not already No. 1, and it’s redoubling efforts to unseat rival Adidas as the worlds top supplier of soccer shoes and apparel. Its recent bid to sponsor the German national team is part of its 2010 goal to dominant the football brand, said Nike marketing vice-president Trevor Edwards. We believe its time to create separation. This is not a game of chicken. Some things never change. Adidas expects growth overseas, particularly in Asia, to push sales at its Reebok division to US$5 billion ($7. 42 billion) over the next three to five years, up from US$3 billion, adidas chief Herbert Hainer said yesterday. The worlds second-largest sporting goods maker after Nike also said it expected to cut costs including at Reebok, which it acquired last year by about 87 million euros ($1. 6 billion) this year. That will more than offset integration costs, resulting in an overall cost savings of about 10 to 20 million euros, Hainer said. For the Reebok brand, the main growth driver will be Asia and to a certain extent Europe as well. Key markets like Germany and France are underdeveloped, as is Russia. Emerging markets have a huge potential and we will grow in the US, but by far not at the pace of Asia. Much of that growth will come toward the latter part of that period with the brand expecting only modest revenue growth, said Paul Harrington, president and CEO of the Reebok brand. Adidas, the German based sporting goods giant, bought Reebok in a US$3. 8 billion deal, looking to complement its strength in Europe with a major US brand that had greater strength in the fashion segment. But the Reebo k brand has been a drag on Adidass performance thus far. In November 2006, the German company lowered its 2007 profit growth forecast to 15 per cent from 20 per cent, citing trouble at Reebok. Adidas shares have slid almost 14 per cent since the Reebok takeover closed on January 31, 2006. Rival Nikes shares have risen about 24 per cent over that time. Reeboks sales have been lagging in the United States and the United Kingdom, though adidas plans a big expansion for the brand in Asia, including about 3200 stores in China, India and Russia by 2010. It is to open 200 stores in China and 90 in Russia this year. The brand is also eyeing an expansion in Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe. In Brazil, Argentina, Switzerland and Spain, where the brand is still sold by third-party distributors, the company is working to buy out those contracts, but some may have to run their course through to 2012. At present, about 40 per cent of the Reebok brands sales come from North America and 40 per cent from Europe. Part of what makes the expansion outside the United States so appealing is that profit margins tend to be higher in the rest of the world, Hainer said. You have much higher quantity on the US market, but much more value, higher profit margins on the European or Asian market. Adidas plans to reposition its Reebok brand to target athletics apparel consumers who value individuality, with a goal of broadening beyond an urban youth target audience and re-emphasizing Reeboks roots as an athletics performance brand. The strategy comes as Germany-based adidas ramps up its investment in Reebok a year after acquiring the brand and then seeing Reebok sales fall into a slump. The revised brand strategy builds off the edgy I am what I am campaign Reebok adopted four years ago by embracing hip-hop culture and youth-oriented entertainment alongside its traditional athletics performance market. The new strategy will maintain the I am what I am theme in many of Reeboks advertisements. But it also will position Reebok as an American-inspired global brand that celebrates individuality in sport and life, according to Adidas. Reebok President and Chief Executive Paul Harrington said the brand will gently shift emphasis toward suburban consumers of all ages without abandoning the urban youth targeted by I am what I am. Reebok also will try to reconnect with consumers who value athletic performance over fashion. While I am what I am wont go by the wayside, It may not be as loud as it was when we first launched it, Harrington said in an interview at Reeboks Canton headquarters, where he was joined by Adidas CEO and Chairman Herbert Hainer. The street-influenced I am what I am campaign helped Reebok connect with youth by featuring endorsers such as rappers 50 Cent and Jay-Z. But some industry analysts said the campaign risked alienating customers who prize performance over fashion and marked too sharp a departure for a brand that gained traction pitching aerobics shoes to women in the 1980s. Were not going to move totally away from music, but were going to reach for a broader audience, Harrington said. Adidas hopes Reebok will double its U. S. business and narrow Beaverton, Oregon-based Nike Inc. s market leadership. But adidas said in November last year (2006) that sales of Reebok-branded shoes and other apparel fell 7 percent in the first nine months of last year, compared with the same peri od in 2005. Adidas also conceded that Reeboks profit growth this year would fall short of initial expectations, and it said it intended to increase Reebok investment this year. Among other things, Reebok has been hurt by a recent decline in the once-hot market for retro-styled sneakers that mimic styles from the 80s a trend that Reebok helped drive, said John Horan, publisher of Sport Goods Intelligence, a Glen Mills, Pennsylvania-based industry newsletter. Since Adidas completed the Reebok deal in January 2006, analysts have speculated as to how the one-time athletics sneaker and apparel rivals would position the two separately managed brands to avoid competing against one another in the same market niches. The strategy announced Thursday will be launched with two Reebok campaigns this year. The first is a Run Easy campaign beginning this spring emphasizing the fun and joy of running, rather than its blood, sweat and tears aspect and winning. Reebok plans to launch a broader campaign in August targeting a variety of athletes as well as lifestyle apparel consumers around the theme Best On/Best Off suggesting that Reebok products offer the best in apparel both on and off the playing field. New products Reebok plans to introduce this year include a running shoe created especially for women, a new Allen Iverson model basketball shoe, and an apparel collection endorsed by actress Scarlett Johansson. Andrew Rohm, a former Reebok marketing employee and now an assistant professor of marketing at North-eastern University, said the revised strategy reflects an attempt by Reebok to create a new niche to complement the Adidas brand, whose traditional strength has been in athletic performance, especially soccer. I think it may be a reflection of looking less at sheer sales volume, and more in terms of owning a unique space, and becoming more of a niche player than they have tried to be in the past, Rohm said. Reeboks Harrington said the revised marketing strategy will help position the brand for a comeback. It really positions us for growth in the back end of 2007, he said. Puma, the maker of athletic shoes, shirts and other sporting goods, said its fourth-quarter profit fell 26 percent as it tries to broaden its product base and expand into new regions. But the company, the worlds third-biggest maker of sports apparel behind Nike Inc. and adidas AG, said it expected sales and earnings in 2007 to increase in the higher single-digit figure range, largely on demand for its licensed products. Overall, we are very pleased with 2006 and our start to (the latest restructuring phase), as we set some ambitious targets and are on track or ahead on all accounts, Chief Executive Jochen Zeitz said in a statement. But more important than the past is the future and weve put ourselves in a solid early position to deliver on our objectives. Puma earned euro32. 8 million (US$43 million) in the last three months of 2006, down from euro44. 1 million in the same quarter of 2005. Analysts polled by Dow Jones Newswires had expected a profit of euro34 million (US$44. 6 million). Sales rose 38 percent to euro480 million (US$629. 7 million) from euro349. 2 million a year ago, still less than the euro492 million (US$645. 4 million) analysts had predicted. For the year, Puma earned euro263. 2 million (US$345. 3 million), down nearly 8 percent from euro285. 8 million in 2005, just below analysts estimates of euro264 million (US$346. million). Sales rose 33 percent to euro2. 37 billion (US$3. 11 billion) from euro1. 78 billion in 2005, just under estimates of euro2. 38 billion (US$3. 12 billion). The sales increase was led, in part, by better-than-expected demand for its shirts and helped by the afterglow of the 2006 soccer World Cup, in which Puma sponsored the champion Italy. It is also a key supplier to many African teams. Since Zeitz was named CEO and chairman of the company in 1993, Puma has returned to profitability and increased sales and expanded its research and development, marketing and branding programs. Its latest restructuring effort is aimed at expanding the companys reputation as a maker of lifestyle brands clothes, shoes and accessories, such as eyeglasses and expand in more regions and categories. For the year, Puma posted strong sales in North and South America, with sales reaching euro724. 1 million (US$949. 95 million), up 51. 8 percent from 2005. In Asia and the Pacific, sales more than tripled to euro486. 5 million (US$638. 24 million). In Europe, the Middle East and Africa sale increased 5. 1 percent to euro1. 15 billion (US$1. 51 billion). The companys backlog of orders a key indicator for future sales performance was at euro1. 12 billion (US$1. 47 billion) at the end of 2006, up 4. 7 percent from euro1. 07 billion in 2005. Shares of Herzogenaurach-based Puma were up nearly 2 percent after the results were released but fell back more than half a percent to euro288. 01 (US$377. 84) in Frankfurt trading. References: Business Week Online Can Nike Do It? By Stanley Holmes 7 February 2007 Reuters News Nike striving to be brand about hope in China By Alexandria Sage 12 February 2007 New Zealand Herald Reebok to race in Europe and Asia 3 February 2007 Associated Press Newswires Adidas shifting Reeboks brand identity By MARK JEWELL 2 February 2007 Associated Press Newswires Athletic apparel maker Puma says 4th-quarter profit drops 26 percent By MATT MOORE 19 February 2007 Questions 1. Conduct a SWOT analysis of the key players in the sneaker industry and critically analyse their influence within the industry and the market. (25 marks) 2. Evaluate all significant trends in the environment and assess what impact each is likely to have on the sneaker industry. (25 marks) (Total = 50 marks)
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Analysing the history of human relations movement
Analysing the history of human relations movement This assignment will analyse the human relations movement from when and how it was formed to its importance in management structure today. It will include relevant information about classical and scientific management providing an example of an organisation today. It will conclude with whether classical and scientific management has been eradicated by the human relations movement. To begin with the human relations movement focuses on the environment and conditions in which employees are expected to work; the attitude and behaviour within the workplace; the social relations between employees and managers and how satisfied the employee is in the workplace. All these factors can be motivators for employees to improve their job performance. The human relations movement according to Mullins (2002, p903) can be defined as A management approach based on the consideration of and attention to the social factors at work and the behaviour of employees within an organisation and the satisfaction of individuals needs through groups at work. Elton Mayo was the founder of the human relations movement which occurred during the 1920s and 1930s. The idea for the human relations movement came from conducting a series of experiments which became known famously as the Hawthorne studies, this was created as a result of these experiments and their findings. As a Harvard professor, Elton Mayo was employed by the Hawthorne plant of the American Western Electric Company in Chicago because of the low productivity of workers which took place between 1927 and 1932. There were four stages to the Hawthorne experiments; the illumination experiments, the relay assembly test room, the interviewing programme and the bank wiring observation room. During the illumination experiment stage lighting was used as a factor to analyse the productivity of the staff. The employees were arranged into two groups one of which was a control group and the other an experimental group. The control group had the same amount of lighting throughout whereas the experimental group had lighting constantly changing. In both groups productivity increased even when lighting conditions became poor. As the results were inconclusive other experiments were arranged on factors other than the changes in working conditions. The relay assembly test room was the next stage in which s ix women workers were assessed. Here they changed working hours, lunch times and rests. Their observer was also using a friendly approach, listening to the employees and their complaints. The production increased again and this is when Mayo recognised that it was the fact that they were given attention and noticed by management that the productivity increased. A crucial part in the Hawthorne experiments was the interviewing programme which assessed how the workers felt towards their supervisors. They used a non-directive approach and interviewers would listen in a friendly non-judgemental manner. This found out more about the employees feelings and attitudes with more specific information about the management, supervision, company, working relations and even the workers lives and views. These results showed that relationships with people have an effect on the workers attitudes which in turn affects the productivity. The bank wiring observation room was another experiment that took p lace, where fourteen men were chosen to work in an observation room with working conditions that changed slightly over six months or more. The group began to form their own organisation and rules with their own informal social relations. Mayos conclusion was that the changes had been made in consultation with the employees, and that this factor had been the determining influence on productivity, together with the fact that the employees had a good working relationship with their supervisors. (Sutherland Canwell, 2004, p202-203) An example of an organisation that uses the human relations movement today is Google. They avoid bureaucracy with their employees and allow them to use their own initiative. The managers work with the employees to create ideas which they find relevant and work on projects which they think are of importance. They employ people who want to succeed and therefore will work to the best of their ability to make Google a success allowing them the choice to make their own changes in order to feel more motivated. The employees look forward to the social aspects of the job and sharing ideas, they also get the benefit of good quality food and services such as massages. The human relations movement conflicted with Frederick Winslow Taylors scientific management theory since Mayo believed that there must be other ways to motivate workers other than strict working procedures, financial incentives and scientifically timed tasks. There was a breakthrough in scientific management in 1911within the peak of the industrial revolution when Taylor published The Principles of scientific management which described the four principles of Taylors theory. These were that jobs should be broken down into different parts; workers should be trained and scientifically selected; management should co-operate with employees to make sure the method is reinforced and there should be equal division of work between both managers and employees. The principle object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer (the development of every branch of the business to its highest state of excellence), coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee (Taylor, as quoted in Boddy Paton, 1998, p48) The main reason for scientific management was to introduce a sense of control and order within the working environment. Productivity took longer because parts were being produced individually. This also meant that unskilled workers had the ability to do jobs when trained correctly by managers. Taylor believed that employees were lazy and the only way to motivate them was through financial incentives. This theory was followed by three more theorists; Frank and Lilian Gilbreth along with Henry Gantt. This is still alive today and is used as a management structure in some industries. An example of where scientific management is used today is in call centres. The employees are regularly checked up on by their supervisors in order to motivate them to give a good standard of service. They record and listen to their employees conversations in order to keep them under control. The employees are also given a basic wage and commission on every sale they make; they get bonuses for meeting daily or weekly targets. Classical management is another earlier theory that was developed by Henri Fayol who was known as the father of modern management. Fayol, (as quoted in G.A. Cole, 1996, P12) defined management as to forecast and plan, to organise, to command, to coordinate and to control. His theory consisted of 14 principles which were division of work so that employees knew their duties, authority and responsibility to give clear and reasonable instructions; discipline to show authority and be firm with employees when necessary; unity of command so that employees know their job; unity of direction so companies have an understandable strategy; subordination so that the employees put their job responsibilities first; remuneration so that employees get paid a fair wage; centralisation so that the organisation has a main control area; scalar chain meaning employees know their job positions; order so that the company is organised; equity to provide equal opportunities; stability of personnel to provide employees with job security; initiative so that employees dont constantly need to be told what to do by management and espirit de corps where employees work as a team to show company spirit. An example of where classical management is used today is Costco, a wholesale warehouse chain selling merchandise at lower prices for purchase by businesses. The CEO Jim Sinegal works on the retail floor with the employees, running the business and paying employees 50 percent more than competitors; contributing even more for health benefits. The businesses earnings grow at a faster pace than its top competitors showing that classical management is still effective. Even though the human relations movement is the management structure most common in todays industries it has not eradicated classical and scientific management as there are some world famous companies which use them today and have become successful in doing so.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
C.S. Lewis Book, Mere Christianity :: essays research papers
C.S. Lewis' Book, â€Å"Mere Christianity†C.S. Lewis begins his book, â€Å"Mere Christianity†, by introducing the Law of Right and Wrong or the Laws of Nature. This, however, arises a question. What is the Law of Nature? The Law of Nature is the known difference between right and wrong. That is, mans distinction between what is right and what is wrong. â€Å"This law was called the Law of Nature because people thought that everyone knew it and did not need to be taught it†(18). Lewis relates the law to how we treat others. We treat others the way we want to be treated and if they treat us poorly in return we become agitated and annoyed with them. He states that we become a society of excuses when something goes wrong. He goes on to say that we want to behave in a certain way when in reality we do the opposite of what is right or what is wrong. We are humans and humans have primal instincts. We are all capable of using our instincts to do right or wrong. Lewis uses an example of a drowning man to prove this poi nt. When one sees a man in trouble two desires or instincts kick into play, to save the man or ignore him because the situation at hand could endanger you. However, there in another impulse that says help the man. With this comes a conflict of instincts. Do you run and forget about it or do you jump in and help. Most people will help even if the situation is going to endanger their life. This is just one way of seeing moral law. The right in a situation will mostly always prevail over the wrong. â€Å"Men ought to be unselfish, ought to be fair. Not that men are selfish, nor that they like being unselfish, but they ought to be†(30). We are creatures of habit and logic. Lewis believes that the moral law is not taught to us rather known by us instinctively. He also believes that the law is real. The law is our behaviors in life via good or bad. Lewis states, â€Å"there is something above and beyond the ordinary facts of men’s behavior†(30). This opens Lewis to be lieve that the natural law is both alive and active in mans life today. Lewis goes on to say that the law must be something above mans behavior. He begins to relate this to the creation of the world.
Edgar Allan Poe :: essays research papers
Edgar Allan Poe Poe, Edgar Allan, known as a poet and critic but most famous as the first master of the short-story form, especially tales of the mysterious and macabre. The literary merits of Poe's writings have been debated since his death, but his works have remained popular and many major American and European writers have professed their artistic debt to him. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Poe was orphaned in his early childhood and was raised by John Allan, a successful businessman of Richmond, Virginia. Taken by the Allan family to England at the age of six, Poe was placed in a private school. Upon returning to the United States in 1820, he continued to study in private schools. He attended the University of Virginia for a year, but in 1827 his foster father, displeased by the young man's drinking and gambling, refused to pay his debts and forced him to work as a clerk. Poe, disliking his new duties intensely, quit the job, thus estranging Allan, and went to Boston. There his first book, Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827), was published anonymously. Shortly afterward Poe enlisted in the U.S. Army and served a two-year term. In 1829 his second volume of verse, Al Aaraaf, was published, and he effected a reconciliation with Allan, who secured him an appointment to the U.S. Military Academy. After only a few months at the academy Poe was dismissed for neglect of duty, and his foster father disowned him permanently. Poe's third book, Poems, appeared in 1831, and the following year he moved to Baltimore, where he lived with his aunt and her 11-year-old daughter, Virginia Clemm. The following year his tale â€Å"A MS. Found in a Bottle†won a contest sponsored by the Baltimore Saturday Visitor. From 1835 to 1837 Poe
Friday, July 19, 2019
Anglo American Economic Geography Essay -- economics,
Discuss the intellectual history of Anglo American economic geography since the 2nd world war. Economic concepts have often been used as the foundation for geographic theory; showing a relationship between the two. When the field of economics evolves then so too does the field of economic geography. Economic geography is defined as: a field of geography that helps to describe and explain the areas where economic activities are carried out. It is centered around helping to explain the production and distribution of commodities and how resources are to be allocated and the consequences (Barnes 2009). The Second World War ceased in 1945 and after this the economies of both America and the UK changed rapidly. These economies passed through different systems; Keynesian, Marxian, Neoliberalism, and mixed an economy (Bonney 1995). This in turn meant that economic geography passed through different stages too, with the most significant change occurring directly after the war; the start of the quantitative revolution. The way that the field of economic geography changes has implication s on how the field as a whole is viewed. One of the main points is the interconnectivity with the economy; this also shows how the economy is viewed. Each period has a moment of emergence rapid efflorescence and a period of decline. To understand how economic geography has changed over the last fifty years, a brief explanation of the state of the economy should be covered Directly after the war the US economy was in a state of strong economic growth due to consumers demand increasing, this was due to there being few opportunities to consume at a desired level during the war. The US held 95% of the worlds manufacturing helping it to recover more quick... ...mic Geography. In: Leyson, A., Lee, R., Mcdowell, L. and Sunley, P. eds. 2011. The SAGE Handbook of Economic Geography. London: SAGE Publications. Bonney, R. (1995). Economic systems and state finance. Oxford [England]: Clarendon Press. Hardon, J. A. (2003). The Influence of Marxism in the United States Today. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 21 Feb 2014]. Scott, A. J. (2000). Economic geography: the great half-century. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24 (4), pp. 483 - 504. Trainer, T. (2010). MARXIST THEORY; A brief Introduction. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 21 Feb 2014]. WiseGEEK. (2010). What Is Keynesian Economics?. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 21 Feb 2014].
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Attitude Formation Essay
Attitude Formation/ Change Essay Plan INTRODUCTION: What are Attitudes? A learned predisposition to behave in a consistently favourable or unfavourable manner with respect to a given object, they are also transferable simplifies the decision making as what has been learnt from one The attitude â€Å"object†: It includes specific consumption or marketing concepts such as product, product category, brand, service, possessions, product use, price, package etc. Eg.Consumer attitudes towards online shopping. Attitudes are a learned predisposition that means attitudes are formed as a result of prior direct experience with the object through word of mouth, information acquired from others or from advertising. Attitudes are relatively consistent with the behaviour they reflect. They usually occur within a situation such as an event or circumstance that, at a particular point in time, influence the relationship between attitude and behaviour.In consumer behaviour attitudes usually rela te to consistent purchase, recommendations, top rankings, beliefs, evaluations, intentions. BODY: Tricomponent model -cognitive- the knowledge and perceptions acquired from direct contact with a product Affective: the emotions and feelings helping to evaluate the product Conative: the tendency to behave or act in a particular way MULTI ATTRIBUTE MODEL: Attitude toward object model: Suitable for measuring attitudes towards a brand, product, or service or specific brand.Presence or evaluation of certain product specific beliefs about the product-Level of positive and negative attributes, favourable or unfavourable attitudes towards the product. Attitude towards behaviour: An individual’s attitude towards behaving or acting to an object rather than an attitude towards the object itself. Eg. Your reaction/action when you are presented with a BMW. Theory of reasoned action: An integration of attitude components- the affective, the cognitive, conative-has been designed to give mark et researchers a esearch tool that better predicts and explains consumer behaviour. Theory of planned: consumers are affected by perceived behavioural control , there skills of resources can influence the outcome, has been used to understand the willingness to engage in a broad range of activities. How attitudes are learnt: -As attitudes are formed, there is a shift from no attitude to some attitude towards a particular object -this shift in attitude is a result of learning established brand names are often perceived favourably, as the result of stimulus generalisation (classical conditioning) -Sometimes attitudes follow the trial purchase of the product (instrumental conditioning) Attitudes are learned through: -classical conditioning: repeated satisfaction with other products from the same organisation -instrumental conditioning: a new product is purchased= if it proves satisfactory consumers are likely to develop a favourable attitude towards it -Cognitive learning: attitudes are formed of the basis of information found and the consumers own beliefs and knowledge.Sources of influence on formation of attitudes: family, friends, personal experience, promotional activities, mass media, internet. Personality and Attitude formation: Personality plays a critical role in attitude formation , those with a high need for cognition are likely to form positive attitudes to promotions that are rich in product related information Those with a low need of cognition have more positive attitudes towards promotions that feature attractive models or well known celebrities.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
A Book That Changed My Life Essay
We have to admit that some smashing declares have the power to heal our souls and propose us trifleter slew. Around The dry land in Eighty Days is practiced such a restrain to me. This hold back is a fiction story pen by a French writer, Jules Verne. In this story, an Englishman, Phileas Fogg and his new French valet Passepartout elbow grease to travel nearly the world in spite of appearance eighty twenty-four hourss just because he had a huge wager with his friends at the club. Mr Fogg wants to prove his contention that unity back tooth travel around the world in only eighty days. During their journey around the world, they met many friends and faced tons of challenges and difficulties. too the interesting and vivid plot of the story, this excite book has taught me three things when facing difficulties in breeding neer give up, compassionate others, and do something purposeful in life. graduation exercise of all, of the many things that I well-educated from th is book, one of them is overcoming difficulties. Traveling around the world in eighty days is a reverie for many persons but Mr Fogg make it successfully because he insisted and did non give up. even out though this book is a fiction, from the agents perspective, the tools that we necessity for success is perseverance. end-to-end the whole book, I learned that in that location are many difficult problems we contract to be confronted with in our real life. simply if you accent hard to conquer it and you whitethorn find a way to be success. Therefore by the end of the book I decided to study a real tough billet that I never studied before. I was genuinely interested in this course and I want to challenge myself. Many friends laughed at me about my impulsion. But I never regret this decision. Instead, I thought it was the trounce decision of my life because I learned a lot from that tough process. citizenry in the world usually inter transformable to criticize and judge others. By knowledge from Mr Fogg, I realized that I should not care of those criticisms. Finally, I passed this tough course with my effort. I think it is this book makes me a much stronger person.Secondly, this book also made me understand it is more than important for us to give than to receive. In the story, Mr Fogg is a very punctual and serious Englishman. And after he fights with Indianin America, he make that his valet Passepartout was missing. Other quite a little asked Fogg to speed on with his journey because of the wager, but Mr Fogg refused to quell his journey without his valet. At that moment, Mr Fogg has shown his humanity and kindness. I was impressed about Mr Foggs selfless temper to his companion. I realized that sometimes I am a critical bit self-centered. Therefore I need to be more thoughtful of the call for and feelings of the other people. Indeed, this book has totally changed my personality traits from a person with a nix life attitude and a pi ddling self-centered to a person with a positive life attitude, and a considerate heart.Last but not least, this book stimulates my mind to start thinking in a different way. In the story, Mr Fogg was a typical Englishman who was stubborn, punctual and serious. But he in the long run realized that the essence of life should be more colorful and meaningful. bulk need to try different shipway of life. I remembered that when I was taking Asian American class, the professor told me that 99% of the people are living in a pretty boring life. They go to the same restaurant every day, sitting in the same seats and ordering the same food. If you jump out of the box and try something new or think in a different way, you will repair totally new experiences and ideas that may force you. Mr Fogg was just a normal people before his great journey, until one day he made a bet with his friends in the club. And he did what he boasted and finally became a hero. I realized that I did nothing mea ningful in my recent life. So I decided to do something which can make my life more challenging and meaningful. I joined duette of volunteer work and groups. Through that process, I gained both new life experiences and happiness.It is straightforward that some books can greatly change our life. I learned many important personalities from Mr Fogg such as determination, perseverance, and selflessness. It also taught me that I need to think in a different way and do something meaningful in my life. Overall, this inspiring book has altered my behavior and changed my mind. I highly pep up this great book.
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