Saturday, May 23, 2020
Executive Summary Operations Management - 2358 Words
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Operations Management is the process of producing and delivering product and service of an organization by managing its resources effectively. All product or service is the result of operating (input-transformation-output) process. Operations are process that take a set of input resources (material, machinery, information, and customer) which are used to transform something, or are transformed themselves, into outputs of products and service. And although all operations confirm to this basic input-transformation-output model. However, they vary in the nature of their specific inputs and output. Since the main purpose of this assignment is to discover the operation function of any product an organization in facts and serious way, so that I can understand the activities involves on it. As a model of an organization I have chosen a product of MacDonald s to do my assignment, which is Big Mac. Furthermore this assignment has given me the opportunity to diversify my researches and find out the how the production system works in an organization, Especially, about the MacDonald’s input – transformation – output process, how the operation function incorporate with the stakeholder objectives, performance objects, how the customer-supplier relationship incorporate within the operation process of MacDonald and how the new technology can be used to satisfy the customer needs. Part A The Big Mcg is one of the product of world largest fast-food chainShow MoreRelatedInformation Technology Systems Primary Responsibility1198 Words  | 5 Pagesnetwork and communications operations. Although, they specialize in a particular field, they combine experiences and resources to support the IT department. The functional areas support the IT department which in turns support the organization’s mission, vision, and goals. Mission: Planning, managing, synchronizing, and directing the Information Technology system communication operations with the application of Information Technology functional areas to execute flawless operations in support of the organization’sRead MorePrince2829 Words  | 4 Pages | Note: This document is only valid on the day it was printed Revision History Date of next revision: |Revision Date |Previous Revision |Summary of Changes |Changes Marked| | |Date | | | | | Read MoreBus 599 Project Deliverable 5731 Words  | 3 PagesDeliverable 5 Project Deliverable 5: Executive Summary Presentation Due Week 9 and worth 100 points This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a written executive summary, and a slide presentation consisting of twelve (12) slides. Note: You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Now that you have completed a draft for all primary sections of your business plan, you will complete the executive summary. The executive summary is the section of your plan thatRead Morecorporate governance1590 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Table of Contents ç› ®Ã¥ ½â€¢ Executive Summary: Corporate governance is an essential part of modern company operations and management , it relates to business ethics, code of conduct and system to manage a company. However, there are many corporate scandals due to the failure of corporate governance. This report analyzes the corporate governance from multiple aspects. It is through the understanding the relationship between corporate governance and business ethics, evaluating the ASX principlesRead MoreProcess Design Matrix and Summary941 Words  | 4 PagesDesign Matrix and Summary Thomas Beadin OPS/571 December 19, 2013 Mary O’Donnel Process Design Matrix and Summary This process design matrix and executive summary will focus on Chapman Tool and Manufacturing and there performance measurement process. 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Part A - Perform a Business Impact Analysis for an IT Infrastructure 1. Performa BIA assessment and fill in the following chart: Business Function Or Process Business Impact Factor Recovery Time Objective IT
Monday, May 18, 2020
Decision Making Case Study Essay - 1189 Words
Decision Making Case Study Nadine Ranger Week 3 HCS/514 August 23, 2010 Sara Brown Decision-Making Case Study Effective decision-making is a major component in managing an organization, resources, and staff members. Managers make important decisions daily that affect the operations, quality, and success of their organization. Instituting evidence informed decision-making is a growing concept among health care organizations, but managers face several challenges including time pressures and lack of resources to determine quality information. The use of adequate decision-making tools and resources help managers make strategically important decisions as well as develop and improve†¦show more content†¦The Toolbox Rundall et al. developed a tool they call the Informed Decisions Toolbox or IDT, which they suggest will help make better evidence-informed management decisions. Evidence-informed decision-making is the process of gathering and analyzing the best evidence available and making an informed decision based on that knowledge (National Collaboratin g Centre for Methods and Tools [NCCMT], n.d.). The process of evidence-informed decision-making involves six steps. Each of these six steps can be used as a tool for improving decision-making which help the manger to overcome the barriers experienced in using this decision technique. The six steps include defining or framing the question, searching for relevant evidence or source of information, appraising the quality of the data, determining the relevance or applicability of the data, analyzing actionability, and evaluating the possible outcome of the decision (, n.d.). Essentially, organizational support of the managers’ use of the tools assists in the decision-making process, making the manager less reliant on anecdotal evidence and consultants (Rundall et al., 2007). The IDT suggests thatShow MoreRelatedDecision Making Case Study1281 Words  | 6 PagesDecision-Making Case Study HCS/514 Decision-Making Case Study The current state of the economy has had a significant impact on health care across the country. Recipients of Medicaid services have especially been hit hard in the health care arena with budget cuts and reduced services. The Maricopa County Clinic is not different when it comes to budget cuts. The department providing outpatient services to Medicaid clients has received a 15% budget cut. The current budget constraintRead MoreDecision Making Case Study Essay893 Words  | 4 PagesDecision Making Case Study Stefanie Parker HCS/514 June 24, 2011 Kendra Slatton Decision Making Case Study The standard definition of decision making is; the process of mapping the likely consequences of decisions, working out the importance of individual factors and choosing the best course of action to take (Definition of decision,). In this case study effective decision making tools will be used to choose the best course of action to take in the scenario. The scenario is; as aRead MoreGroup Decision Making : A Case Study1032 Words  | 5 Pages Group Decision Making: A case study Kashyap Pd. Marahatta BUS 540 Organizational Behavior Professor: Shirley Chuo Westcliff University 11/10/2016 â€Æ' Abstract This paper will be analysing the case of ‘the outstanding faculty award’, which is adapted from a case by David J. Cherrington of Brigham Young University. It will try to show what problems in team likely cause the team in taking a wrong or ineffective decision taking the case of Brigham Young University as a base. This paper would also tryRead MoreDecision Making Case Study Essay1483 Words  | 6 PagesDecision Making Case Study HCS/514 Managing in Todays Health Care Organizations Instructor: Darlene Cantu Camille F. Fuller Decision Making Case Study Health care is one of the largest growing industries in the country. Technology and medical advancements attribute to the constant changes in the health care industry. The economy also continues to change, and with the changing economy health care cost continue to rise. Companies across the nation have either closed or moved to other countriesRead MoreCase Study : Ethical Decision Making2110 Words  | 9 Pages Module 1 Assignment 3: Case Study: Ethical Decision Making April Culberson Argosy University Module 1 Assignment 3 Summarized the behavior you consider unethical and unprofessional in the case study. Substantiated the analysis with reasons After reading the case study, it becomes apparent the many questionable behaviors Joe commits while counseling Jill. First is his reaction towards Jill’s confession concerning sexual confusion about being attracted to other women. Joe’s expression (shockedRead MoreManagement: Decision Making and Case Study3581 Words  | 15 PagesFaculty of Business, Economics Accounting Department of Business Studies HELP Bachelor of Business Year 1 (HONS) – HUBBU CASE STUDIES Semester 1, 2011 Subject: MGT 101 Principles of Management Subject Lecturer/ Tutor(s): Puan Norzan Abdullah ANALYZING A CASE STUDY STAGE 1: QUICKLY GO THROUGH THE GENERAL SCENARIO PRESENTED TO GAIN A GENERAL UNDERSTANDING OF THE SITUATION. ï‚ · Underline/highlight information which may indicate problems exist STAGE 2: EXAMINE THE QUESTIONS CAREFULLY ï‚ · Read theRead MoreEthical Decision-Making: Case Studies648 Words  | 3 PagesDecision point: What would you do? In Scenario 1, I would return the iPod to the schools lost and found or post a notice advertising a found iPod in the school newspaper (it would be easy enough to identify the legitimate owner, as I would merely ask the respondent to identify the songs on the playlist). The fact that I liked some of the songs and that no one saw me find the iPod is no relevance. On a deontological moral level, it is wrong to take something valuable I know is not mine, and ifRead MoreCase Study : Contingency Behavior : Decision Making1095 Words  | 5 PagesWeekly paper 7: Contingency-behavior: Decision Making: Viren Kheni Decision-making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker. Making a decision implies that there are alternative choices to be considered, and in such a case we want not only to identify as many of these alternatives as possible but to choose the one that best fits with our goals, objectives, desires, values, and so on. *(Harris (1980)) In the last session we discussedRead MoreReflective Case Study : The Decision Making Process Essay1869 Words  | 8 PagesReflective Case Study Essay In everyday work practice, nurses make clinical decisions, which need to be appropriate every time for quality of nursing care and patient safety. Such unflawed decisions can be taken following the clinical reasoning cycle or the CR cycle, utilizing critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills (Levett-Jones, 2012). The aim of the essay is to describe the decision-making process, which relates to a patient during the BN clinical placement. The essay would evaluate allRead MoreCase Study : Ethical Decision Making Process Essay2104 Words  | 9 PagesSection 4- Ethical decision making process: 1. Explain the ethical decision making process: To make an ethical decision, it is necessary to perceive and eliminate immoral options and select the best and ethical alternative. It is a process of choosing the best ethical option among the alternatives. For moral decision making process, some requirements should be followed: Commitment: Make commitment to do the right thing regardless any cost. Consciousness: Awareness about the action takes place
Monday, May 11, 2020
Friendship Sites Enable Women to Make New Friends
Since online dating services are a proven way for women (and men) to find romance, why not apply the same matchmaking principles to friendship? Opportunities for women to make new friends are now just a mouse click away. Following in the footsteps of internet dating, websites designed to foster real-world female friendships are on the rise. Mommy Sites and Friendship Millions of women already flock to mommy sites that create community between expectant and new mothers, and the many niche motherhood sites for working moms, stay-at-home moms, even entrepreneurial moms attest to their success at establishing meaningful online relationships. But what if you want to meet other women face-to-face and form friendships in your own community? What if moving or marriage has changed your circumstances, and youre looking for new connections and new girlfriends? Wouldnt it be nice if a website facilitated those meetings the same way dating sites do? More Meet Online If youre skeptical of the idea of internet friendship sites, consider this. A 2015 Pew Research Center poll online survey found that 15% of American adults have used an online dating site. 27% of young adults (18 to 24 years old) and 12% of adults aged 55 to 64 years old report that they have used online dating. Nearly 60% of college students say they know someone who uses online dating, and 46% say they know someone who has entered into a long-term relationship. If the internet has become a valuable tool in forming a sexual connection, couldnt it establish a social connection as well? Matchmaking Girlfriends Thats the concept Canadian entrepreneur Amanda Blain banked on when she launched the website Girlfriend Social, a place where women of all ages and backgrounds can go to talk, share, and find new women friends. One of the largest social networking sites exclusively for women 18 and older, Girlfriend Social (GFS) enables users to seek out and connect with like-minded women in hundreds of cities and communities across the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia. Although existing sites such as Girlfriendology and Meetup also offer opportunities for women to get together based on geographic location, Blain explained in an interview what makes GFS distinctly different: Other social networks are designed to deal with business, dating, or connecting with people you already know. Very few specialize in connecting new friends or helping you locate other people with similar hobbies. Girlfriend Social is designed purely for women to socially meet new friends and is the only free social network that allows women to create complete profiles, match with friends, chat with others, discuss hot topics, and to meet other women at live events, face-to-face. The M Stage Blain came up with the idea following a move to a new city; at her new job, her co-workers were mostly male. She soon realized the obstacles to a friendship that women face today are vastly different from those our mothers encountered. Many things have changed including the expectations women put on themselves. Many are working, have children, and find themselves trying to juggle work and family life. This isn’t as easy as it was a generation ago. Shes noticed that many women seek out new friends once they enter the M stage (moving, marriage, or motherhood) because those life transitions can alter, strain, and even sever existing friendships: Many women who go through these experiences find that their circle of friends change. Sometimes the friends you have aren’t calling you anymore, you’re not calling them, or you find your priorities have changed. Adding some new people to your life can help you through these transitions. Making the Jump Older women, in particular, find it hard to meet new people after spending years in the same social circle. The demands of career and family life leave little time to step outside the ordinary routine, meet new people, and then go from there. As Blaine notes: Even if you take new classes, go for gym workouts, or start new hobbies, it’s still difficult to make that jump from acquaintance to friendship with the people you meet. Women who do not have a significant other in their lives encounter additional friendship challenges. Whether they are alone by choice, divorce, or death of a spouse, single women often find themselves out of sync with married friends who socialize as couples. Like reentering the dating scene, trying to establish new friendships at this stage can be intimidating. All these women would just like to connect with new women, Girlfriend Socials founder Amanda Blain says, but they aren’t sure how to go about it. Easy and Safe Without controls or means of regulating its users, online community-based bulletin boards are a hit-or-miss option for meeting people the old-fashioned way. In comparison, a membership-based internet friendship site makes it easy and safe for women to reach out to each other and search for friends who would be most compatible. Safety is a major concern for Blain and Girlfriend Social. Although her site gives women opportunities to share personal details (helpful in matching new friends), Blain leaves it up to each participant to decide how much to reveal about herself. Members fill out a profile where they provide as much information about themselves as they are comfortable with. Its a detailed application that matches women based on everything from sports to hobbies to movies, music, and books. With a few simple clicks, you can match with other women in your local area who have kids the same age as yours or read the same authors as you do. The matching feature is a quick way to find women who have similar interests. A Friend Who Gets Her Whereas mommy sites cater to women with young children, GFS includes women of all ages and stages of life. Blain counts among GFS members 75-year-old grandmothers looking to play cards with others, and 22-year-old students looking to get out for a night of dancing, along with new moms. Some women are looking for specific friendships based on mutual interests. Blain feels that GFS and other girlfriend sites are not only long overdue but necessary because of the way women bond, a process thats a bit more complex for women than in males. The friendship instinct can be found in both genders, Blain says, but to a certain extent, I think men find themselves in situations where it’s easier to make new friends. A man can go to a local sports bar, find another guy cheering for the same team, and the next thing you know hes sitting next to the other guy, having a drink and getting invited to a barbecue. Sometimes a man is invited to go golfing with a new group and by the time he’s done playing he’s friends with every guy in the group. With women, I find getting into similar situations, or into other women’s social circles isn’t quite as easy. Where Women Are Nurtured In the end, its not rocket science; its about making new friends. Blain explains, My goal was simple: build a safe, fun, and drama-free network where women of all ages and backgrounds are able to connect, participate in some new events, and come together to learn and share their unique life experiences. I built a community where the true nature of what it means to be a woman is nurtured.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Destruction Of Ancient Egyptian Relics From Cairo
A question that often arises when walking down a well occupied hallway of a museum is, â€Å"Who found this piece of history?†, or â€Å"How did it get here?†The answers to these questions still leave historians, archaeologists, art collectors and curators divided; whether their work leaves their moral conscience intact or brings them to realization that, in fact, these items were taken from their â€Å"rightful owners.†Ideally, the art belongs to its country of origin whether it is owned by the government or the individual. However, there are numerous circumstances that prevent this from playing out, such as war, reassigning borders of a country, and change in governmental policies and so on. In areas of turmoil, when the integrity of historical artefacts are under threat, external forces come into play in order to preserve them. Jonathan Tokeley-Parry justifies his smuggling of ancient Egyptian relics from Cairo during the ongoing economic crisis and the struggle with the Islamist terrorist group, Al- Qaeda, as the â€Å"only way to preserve ancient artifacts†(Who Owns Ancient Art? Part 1, CBC/Ideas, 2015). The insurgence of Islamist terrorist organizations during the 1990s into Egypt forced the local museums to sell off, legally or otherwise, their exhibits at highly reduced prices to neighboring countries, international curators, as well as smugglers. If these steps had not been undertaken, these objects would be used to fuel terrorist activities which would propel the nation intoShow MoreRelatedStolen Egyptian Artifacts1836 Words  | 8 PagesHosni Mubarak. Fires caused by the friction from the protesters, the police, and the civilians trying to stop the vi olence, spread the destruction up to the doorstep of the National History Museum. In a desperate attempt to save the museum and it’s artifacts, civilians linked arms and hands to form a human barrier between the protestors and the country’s national treasures. Despite the brave efforts by those who wanted to protect the museum, 50 relics disappeared that night. Unfortunately those wereRead MoreThe Form And Symbolism Of The Church Of Holy Virgin Essay1214 Words  | 5 Pagesdistrict of Cairo, 6 meters below the sea level is located one of the most inveterate Churches of Egypt. It is the church of The Holy virgin in Harat Zawayla in al-Qurunfish in the Fatimid section of Cairo. Three churches comprise this church: The first is dedicated to The Virgin Mary, the oldest and the most important, the second to Saint Mercurius and the third to Saint George. Inscriptions show that the construction of this church dates back to the ninth Century. Being one of the important reli cs of EgyptRead MoreMuseums Essays10752 Words  | 44 Pagestoday. Finally, the article describes major museums in countries throughout the world. HISTORY OF MUSEUMS Museums stem from the age-old human desires to preserve cultural identity; gain social, political, and economic status; and pursue knowledge. The word museumâ€â€first used in English in the 17th centuryâ€â€derives from the Greek mouseion, meaning â€Å"seat of the Muses.†In ancient Greece, mouseions were temples or sacred places dedicated to the nine goddesses of the fine arts and sciences, which later
The Effects of Childhood Trauma Impacts Free Essays
Abstract A common theme Northern Ohio Recovery Association have identified is how inappropriate behavior affects children systems education, mental health, child welfare, juvenile justice, and substance abuse. Trauma, the experience of an event by a person that is emotionally painful or distressful which often results in lasting mental and physical effects. This research proposal will attempt to measure how many youth’s at Northern Ohio Recovery Association Positive Action Program, have had effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment and how it impacts delinquent behaviors. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Childhood Trauma Impacts or any similar topic only for you Order Now The data collection is from SoQuic assessment tool. It will be completed at Northern Ohio Recovery Association facility. The outcome of this proposal will suggest that the youth entering the agency had some form of childhood traumatic maltreatment that caused delinquent behaviors. The number of participants will be according to the Facilitator Administration decision during the six-month treatment time period. Statement of the Problem Children exposed to traumatic maltreatment increases delinquent behavior. According to the U. S. Department of Justice the rate of youth involvement in the juvenile system in the United States has increase and continues to grow. However, it shows that youth in the rural communities are experiencing identical delinquent crimes as urban youth (U. S. Department of Justice, 1965-1992). The widespread and nature of crimes that is being committed by our youth are very important issues that needs behavioral modification treatment. Issues of juvenile delinquent offenders could connect to childhood traumatic maltreatment. This social problem has affected the value of life in our society, economical system, educational system, and social structure. This study examines issues in method, focus and how childhood traumatic maltreatment can lead to juvenile delinquency. The societal problems of sex offending behavior, youth attitudes towards violence crime, mental health issues, cost of imprisonment and the cost of boarding children from the child welfare system. These societal problems will indeed boost the crime rate, health cost, housing, and homelessness, which in turn will have the taxpayers, pay an additional cost for the reentry of these juveniles. There are so many youth who have been effected by trauma the significance and purpose of the study is rebuilding intervention program and focusing on the needs of youth. Literature Review According to DSM-V conduct disorder is a behavioral and emotional disorder of childhood and adolescence. Children with conduct disorder act inappropriately, infringe on the rights of others, and violate the behavioral expectations of others. One of the most effective courses of treatment for teenagers at NORA is behavior modification programs. They are designed to help the youth be able to make better choices. Dembo, Richard; Winters, Ken; Belenko, Steven; Gulledge, Laura (2007) looked at Truant youths represent an important target group for addressing drug use and related problems, and lowering risk for moving into the juvenile justice system. We are implementing and evaluating a brief intervention (BI) for truant youths brought to a Tampa, FL Truancy Center by law enforcement. We plan to enroll 300 official non-delinquent and minor delinquent truants and their parents in this NIDA funded Stage 2 clinical trial. The BI is grounded in Rational-Emotive Therapy and Behavior Problem Solving Therapy. Three groups will be compared: (1) a 2-session youth only condition (BI-Y), (2) a 2-session youth and 1-session parent condition (BI-YP), and (3) a standard truancy services (STS) condition. The impact of these service conditions on drug use and related behaviors (e. g. , delinquent behavior) will be assessed up to 18 months, involving five data collection points. We hypothesize that both the BI-Y and BI-YP conditions will reveal significant intervention effects compared to the STS group, and that BI-YP participants will reveal greater treatment effects compared to BI-Y, based on the expectation that enhanced parenting will favorably impact intervention effects. We report on the design, implementation and some preliminary results from this study. Schram, Pamela J. ; Gaines, Larry K (2007) examined Most research indicates that males comprise the greatest proportion of gang members. Since the 1990s, however, there has been an increasing interest in female gangs and gang members. The current study builds on this research interest by examining differences between female gang members and non-gang members who participated in a juvenile probation program designed to identify and intervene with youth considered to be high risk for subsequent criminal and delinquent activity. The results of a logistic regression analysis revealed that two factors significantly influenced a female offender’s likelihood of being rearrested: she did not complete the program, and she did not live with her natural parent(s). We conclude that the significant results do support findings from previous research in this area; we also discuss possible explanations as to why other factors were not significantly related to rear rests. In an identical review Greenwood, Peter (2007) explains how Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) involves the use of scientific data to guide intervention designs and decisions. A number of approaches to (EBP) for delinquent and dependent youth are being tested and marketed. All are facing varying degrees of difficulty with issues such as program transfer, model fidelity, funding, certification, and growth. This presentation will draw on the experiences of some of the leading private providers and program developers who have been dealing with these issues for a number of years. Salvatore, Christopher; Hiller, Matthew; Samuelson, Benta; White, Elise (2007) examined Although the first juvenile drug court was established over a decade ago, compared to adult drug courts, relatively little research has been published on these programs and many question whether this intervention for drug-involved youth is a useful addition to the juvenile justice system. Recently, however, findings from a randomized study showed that a juvenile drug court (including modifications for including Multisystem Theory and Contingency Management) reduced the during-program delinquent behavior compared to youth in traditional family court. These findings suggest that it is important to develop a fuller understanding of the program impact theory and services delivery model of extant juvenile drug court programs (particularly as components of on-going evaluation activities. The current paper presents findings from a year-long process evaluation of a large juvenile treatment court serving inner city youth on the East Coast. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through participant observation, in-depth surveys, and focus groups to describe the theory behind the implementation of the program as well as the logical sequencing of specific types of services for helping youth to achieve both short-term and long-term goals, including remaining free from new adjudications, reducing and eliminating the use of illicit drugs, increase performance in school, and for becoming â€Å"productive†members of society. A logic model of the program linking characteristics of the target population to services and subsequent outcomes will be discussed as well as initial findings regarding participant compliance in the program. Research Question/ Hypothesis The hypothesis the effects of childhood trauma impacts juvenile delinquent is supported by research findings. (1) do the effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment impacts youth becoming delinquent? Using quantitative methods using the agency SoQuic assessment tool by the direct service management team to provide accurate information about the Bio-psychosocial history of the children engage in the program. 1. Dependent Variable= Impacts juvenile delinquent 2. Independent Variables= Effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment The relationship between these two variables suggests that the independent variable is a cause of the dependent variable. Therefore, effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment are reason for increase juvenile delinquent. B. Our hypothesis we believe is true based on the literature concerning the effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment impacts juvenile delinquent because children who have been expose to maltreatment tends to engage in juvenile delinquent behaviors. C. The Null hypothesis is: The effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment have no difference on juvenile delinquent Research Design The type of design we will use to test our hypothesis is the classic experimental design. We chose this type of design because we already know the relationship between the variables. However, we wanted to find out if this relationship could show a cause in the impacts of juvenile delinquency. We will have two groups of thirty youths’ who have engaged in delinquent behaviors. One of these groups will receive positive action (e. g. behavioral modification) intervention group and individual therapy related to delinquent behaviors and the other will not. The therapy will provide counseling on the following areas: degree of youth’s behaviors that evokes conflicts, behavior response expectations, and supportive services provided. The experimental group will receive this therapy for six months. Pretreatment therapy will be provided to engage, observe, and measure patterns of social norms with respect to parental authority. Counselors will be on hand to assist. Discharge process will take place after the six months is up the youths will be individually interviewed about the behavioral modification intervention in the previously mentioned areas once more. The study we are going to conduct also has some strength. Since we randomly select sample into two groups of youths, we are assured of being able to generalize our findings from the sample to the population. Due to the fact that our study is experimental, this means that our design is more rigorous and is more controlling for some internal validity concerns. In addition, the design controls for all of the internal validity concerns except for testing effects because we will only measure the change in the experimental and control group once rather than repeatedly. Sampling The study population is the effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment impacts juvenile delinquent. We will use stratified random sampling in our experiment. We will have sixty youths in our sample and split them into two groups. Each of the groups will have as follows: presenting problems, living situation, social history information, education history, mental health treatment history, current medication information, past psychotropic medications, alcohol/drug history, alcohol/drug treatment history, legal history, abuse history, problem check list including functional domains, and suicidal history. Measurement Operational of the variables shows delinquent youth in this study will be measured by SoQuic assessment tool upon intake at the facility. We are concerned with test-retest reliability since we will be asking self reporting questions for both of the interviews. We will still need to be concerned with interobserver reliability if there is a difference between the different interviewers. Our experiment has face validity due to the fact that our reliable measures make How to cite The Effects of Childhood Trauma Impacts, Essay examples
Business Laws
Question: Describe about the Business Law. Answer: The TPG organization was providing the internet services and also engaging in multimedia advertising campaign. The company had the obligation to provide the customers with a favorable price for the ADSL2+ service which it was offering. The service was using a home telephone line so as to provide the broadband internet connection that was having no data download limit. The ACCC found out that the service and the advertisements it was engaging into were against the law and defective. The business was supplying the internet services to the consumers at a high price. The cost of the service was twenty nine dollars every month. Moreover, the ADSL2+ service was only available to the individuals who bundled it with their home telephone service. The TPG organization also provided the landline technology for a cost of thirty dollars where one had to commit themselves for six months. The telephone charges were also expensive as one had to pay a setup fee of one hundred and twenty-nine dollars and also deposit twenty dollars. The ACCC found out also that the adverts were misleading and deceptive as they had attractive prices that it did not qualify. The organization was advertising the ads on various platforms and ACCC found no clarity in them (Thampapillai et al, 2015). In addition to that, the Full Court used other approaches to determine whether the TPG advertising was misleading. It made various investigations to check whether the advertisements contravened the law or they were misleading. It reduced the maximum penalty that it differed from the primary judge. It also ensured that the Trade Practice Law was followed by all the organizations that provide the customers with goods and services. The first and second adverts were scrutinized to ascertain whether they met the required criteria (Tuner Trone, 2013). References Thampapillai, D., Tan, V., Bozzi, C., Matthew, A. (2015).Australian commercial law. Port Melbourne, VIC, Australia : Cambridge University Press Turner, C., Trone, J. (2013).Australian commercial law. Sydney: Lawbook Co.
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